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Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:26 pm
by Andrew
Hollow wrote:Having a 101 degree fever and not being able to eat for three days straight, right in the middle of my fucking exams.
Damn, people, someone go over to Willa's and make him some soup. Gotta eat man, your brain needs energy for exams. Sorry to hear you're so sick.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:52 pm
by Hollow
Andrew wrote:
Hollow wrote:Having a 101 degree fever and not being able to eat for three days straight, right in the middle of my fucking exams.
Damn, people, someone go over to Willa's and make him some soup. Gotta eat man, your brain needs energy for exams. Sorry to hear you're so sick.

Ah, it's all good. I missed an exam yesterday, but since I have a doctors note I'm able to reschedule it. Playing email tag with another professor over an extension. If all goes well I should get at least three extra days on my final paper in that class, then I can relax and sleep. Maybe actually not get sick. Looks like my fever has finally broken, and I actually got hungry about three hours after I posted that, so things seem to be on the up. I'm currently drinking a ginger/lemon/honey/whiskey/Earl Grey concoction that is calming my cough down somewhat.

I also was having seriously schizoid fever dreams last night. In one of them I lived with Dan Akroyd and he owned a lion. It was pretty rad.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 8:56 pm
by grind/bro
at least Dan Akroyd would get you fucked up on crystal skull vodka

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:08 pm
by Hollow
Dude, exactly. Plus, HE HAD A PET LION. Fuck yes. Dream Dan Akroyd>Real Dan Akroyd.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 9:12 pm
by grind/bro
Hollow wrote:Dude, exactly. Plus, HE HAD A PET LION. Fuck yes. Dream Dan Akroyd>Real Dan Akroyd.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:22 pm
by canon.docre
tylerp wrote: Oh yeah, also people who take up more space than they realistically need to in public or semi-public places. Like on buses. Your bag didn't pay a bus fair, I did, and your lap is empty. If I'm able to make a full backpack and guitar case all fit on my lap and between my legs while I'm sitting on a single bus seat, anything is possible, including moving your purse.
I have yet to have someone deny me when I look them in the eye and say "can you please move your bag so I can sit there?" Maybe its because I look so fucking friendly. Its like those people are saving me a seat. Its the opposite of my pet peeve.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:23 pm
by canon.docre
dougmacminn wrote: "psychic coincidences"
synchronicty. the holographic universe. and shit.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:29 pm
by Token
I really like it when there are no empty seats around other than the one beside me and NO ONE sits beside me. I'M NOT GUNNA BITE. :c

That, and the vibe I must throw out that invites every weirdo to talk to me. Yeah, I get it, I'm nice and all but...

Oh, and affection. Public or no, it's annoying when people are overthetop with affection. Hand holding/moderate cuddling, fine. But if you're being frisky for 5+ minutes when WE ARE HANGING OUT, fuck off. Or making out in public. Go away.

I like a lot of things, I'm trying to put what's bothered me MOST recently though...

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:46 pm
by Andrew
Rockified Christmas songs. Unless you're Boney M, the answer is no.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:59 pm
by cadaver
Andrew wrote:Christmas songs.
It's the time of the year. Let the pet peeves flow.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:44 am
dougmacminn wrote:
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Jacques fucking Martin.
holy smokes!
a couple days ago I was on the verge of posting my disatisfaction with the facial resemblance between Jacques Martin and 70's tv actor Al Molinaro (Murray the cop in "The Odd Couple" and the 2nd Arnold in "Happy Days")
Holy shit, I'd never noticed that before, but you're totally right. This will take my making fun of him to new levels! FYI though, there was only one Arnold on Happy Days. At the end of season 3 he got married and sold the drive in to Al who was played by Al Molinaro.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:58 am
by Andrew
cadaver wrote:
Andrew wrote:Christmas songs.
It's the time of the year. Let the pet peeves flow.
I don't mind the odd old school Christmas song for nostalgia's sake but we don't need modern rock bands doing their "soulful" renditions of Christmas songs to make a fast buck. Hey Richie Sambora, no one needs to hear you bust a guitar solo in the middle of Little Drummer Boy.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 12:41 pm
by Human-Demise
this is the only christmas song I listen to.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:59 pm
by Andrew

The rest of me looks like a scuzz, why does my hair need to be neatly trimmed?

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:22 pm
by Hollow
Andrew wrote:Haircuts.

The rest of me looks like a scuzz, why does my hair need to be neatly trimmed?

Join the legion of the flowing locks, Andrew! ONE OF US. ONE OF US.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:23 pm
by grind/bro
Hollow wrote:
Andrew wrote:Haircuts.

The rest of me looks like a scuzz, why does my hair need to be neatly trimmed?

Join the legion of the flowing locks, Andrew! ONE OF US. ONE OF US.
So you guys like Ebony? Nice...

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:37 pm
by Andrew
Hollow wrote:
Andrew wrote:Haircuts.

The rest of me looks like a scuzz, why does my hair need to be neatly trimmed?

Join the legion of the flowing locks, Andrew! ONE OF US. ONE OF US.
Oh man, I had long hair for a LONG time. Dunno if I can go back anytime soon. Remind me to show you my scuba diving license for an embarrassing pic of me/me with long hair.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:30 pm
by keith.
Andrew wrote:Rockified Christmas songs. Unless you're Boney M, the answer is no.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:47 pm
by Andrew
keith. wrote:
Andrew wrote:Rockified Christmas songs. Unless you're Boney M, the answer is no.
I stand by my pet peeve.

Re: Pet peeve

Posted: Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:47 pm
by grind/bro
My work plays FUNK christmas songs, and I LOVE them...