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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:09 pm
by tylerp
I saw Tom Lee Music in one of the video clips. I would love to have pillaged a room full of amps and pedals and gear. DAMMIT WHY WAS I HERE.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:02 pm
Burning cop cars are sweet. Canucks fans are cry babies who support a weak team that phones it in as soon as pressure's on. I'm sure that before the game even started everybody in the Canucks dressing room had resigned themselves to defeat. Sure the Habs got beat out first round, but I'm still proud of them for always playing their hardest. Instead of looting random shit they should have rallied around the arena demanding Luongo and the Sedin's resignation. Instead they just reaffirmed the rest of the countries perception of Vancouver of being filled with a bunch of self centered cry-babies with senses of entitlement the size of Texas. Canucks suck, Canucks fans suck more. Go Habs.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:58 pm
by Rude Boy Puff


Re read what you wrote and change what you can cause Im gonna be pulling a lot of these comments apart.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:59 pm
by Andrew
tylerp wrote:I saw Tom Lee Music in one of the video clips. I would love to have pillaged a room full of amps and pedals and gear. grahammit WHY WAS I HERE.
Tom Lee didn't get looted. They have cages over their windows. If I was going to loot it'd be the Mac Store first and foremost.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 4:59 pm
by SewnFlesh
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Burning cop cars are sweet. Canucks fans are cry babies who support a weak team that phones it in as soon as pressure's on. I'm sure that before the game even started everybody in the Canucks dressing room had resigned themselves to defeat. Sure the Habs got beat out first round, but I'm still proud of them for always playing their hardest. Instead of looting random shit they should have rallied around the arena demanding Luongo and the Sedin's resignation. Instead they just reaffirmed the rest of the countries perception of Vancouver of being filled with a bunch of self centered cry-babies with senses of entitlement the size of Texas. Canucks suck, Canucks fans suck more. Go Habs.
this statement is ignorant on many levels but I expect nothing less from a habs fan... FYI Montreal is the center of the universe as far as belligerent retarded hockey fans go. ;)

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:01 pm
by officespace
It's just fucking laughable that the VPD couldn't just say yeah our citizens fucked up. Lets clean it up. no they have to find a ridiculous scapegoat(anarchists) and place all the blame on them. I heard even that some people think it was people who traveled up from Portland and they had ties to the G20 protesters and the anti olympic protesters and came up here just to riot. fucking pathetic.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:02 pm
by officespace
plus the facebook groups attempting to "bring justice" to the protesters are just as moronic. The pages are littered with moronic comments such as "these rioters should have their hands cut off". "these rioters should be sent to Afghanistan etc

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:13 pm
by tylerp
so I think a lot of the news stories and facebook statuses I'm reading are really big on a few things in their structure. first, the "shame on vancouver" "I'm embarrassed to be from BC" stuff. that's a pretty typical thing in an issue like this that tries to distance the self from the problem. like "I wouldn't have rioted, these people are monsters" type stuff. I haven't really read much that looks further into the psychology of what the rioters were thinking other than the typical mob mentality / groupthink thing. I think there is honestly something way deeper that enables rioting like this. society, economy, modern thought, education, and everything that went into the history of these people. you know? maybe the system we live in could use some dire transformation and it's hard to recognize this within it.

people have been comparing these to riots in less privileged countries. I heard from becky that someone at her workplace said "this only happens in third world countries, I thought we were better than that." that's sort of what I was talking about earlier about nobody wanting to feel blamed or part of what happened. but also some serious cockiness. and also something that really tries to cement the fact that it was about a hockey game. maybe hockey was a catalyst that got a lot of passionate people in a group, ready to fuck shit up, not even knowing what they're dissatisfied with. social issues can be way more complicated than "my ruler is bad, I would prefer a ruler with more compassion."

I still wish there was more from the rioter perspective and less of the shameful dismissal of everything that happened. it needs way more like... analysis. maybe the game was symbolic of canada losing to the united states, combined with the conservative majority as a step toward the same principal?

I know lots of these thoughts are disorganized but I hope it sparks some deeper thought into the issue. or maybe I'm too shallow and don't really get it. but I do think there is some serious mob mentality in everything I've been seeing in facebook status updates. I like this thread because I didn't get chastised for my original post. outside of here I tried to talk to a couple people who thought I was horrible for suggesting that the riot was interesting or had any sort of merit.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:14 pm
by tylerp
officespace wrote:plus the facebook groups attempting to "bring justice" to the protesters are just as moronic. The pages are littered with moronic comments such as "these rioters should have their hands cut off". "these rioters should be sent to Afghanistan etc
backed. these people can hide behind a computer screen and pretend they're not informed by all their news sources and facebook friends. but they're still just an angry internet mob who may honestly believe what they're saying.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:28 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Burning cop cars are sweet. Canucks fans are cry babies who support a weak team that phones it in as soon as pressure's on. I'm sure that before the game even started everybody in the Canucks dressing room had resigned themselves to defeat. Sure the Habs got beat out first round, but I'm still proud of them for always playing their hardest. Instead of looting random shit they should have rallied around the arena demanding Luongo and the Sedin's resignation. Instead they just reaffirmed the rest of the countries perception of Vancouver of being filled with a bunch of self centered cry-babies with senses of entitlement the size of Texas. Canucks suck, Canucks fans suck more. Go Habs.

Just gonna leave that there, you are too easy.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 5:29 pm
by officespace
I'm not really getting all this "lets fix our beautiful city" stuff either. I mean why is it people only care about things after something bad happens? We have one of the worst areas in all of NA in "our beautiful city" and no one care, litter is usually everywhere and no one cares. Its just a little bit of mixed up shit.


Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:19 pm
by Andrew
officespace wrote:I'm not really getting all this "lets fix our beautiful city" stuff either. I mean why is it people only care about things after something bad happens? We have one of the worst areas in all of NA in "our beautiful city" and no one care, litter is usually everywhere and no one cares. Its just a little bit of mixed up shit.

Start a facebook group and maybe you can organize volunteers to go downtown and sweep homeless people into garbage bags and take them to the dump. If it works for riot debris, why not for people that the majority of folks don't think of as people? Oh wait, there's your answer. ;)

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:26 pm
by Russdogg
Lots of people on CBC Radio today claiming shock / disgust about all this. Have these people never been to Surrey Central skytrain station?

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 6:38 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
officespace wrote:the cops blamed it on anarchist so now I don't give a shit. It was all the black bloc you guys. They took the peaceful riot away from us. fucking agent provocateurs in the crowd and shit dude

noun /ˈanərkē/ 

A state of disorder due to absence or nonrecognition of authority
- he must ensure public order in a country threatened with anarchy

Absence of government and absolute freedom of the individual, regarded as a political idea

adjective /ˈanərkist/ 

Relating to or supporting anarchy or anarchists
- an anarchist newspaper

noun /ˈanərkist/ 
anarchists, plural

A person who believes in or tries to bring about anarchy

I'm deeply saddened that the media misrepresented your team, but I hope hockey bro's "smashing the state" shows you how retarded your boys are when they are doing it and yes it is the same thing this had nothing to do with hockey just like the black bloc uses a piss poor method of political discourse. This had to do with an opportunity to break things and act the fool. Which is fun everyone likes breaking things and when you have thousands taking your back you are gonna act even dumber. Everyone getting high and mighty about how "my town didn't riot when this event happened" is completely irrelevant because you can't predict how a crowd is going to act. After the 1994 Stanley Cup Riot you couldn't anything in the streets of Vancouver it took 17 years and an Olympic games, which went off with massive street gatherings with minimal problems. If you want to criticize the VPD one of the biggest complaints about the 1994 riot was that the police came out so aggressive that people were unable to get out of the dt core. One police line would move the crowd into another police line and so forth. In the case of last night the police stood back and let the crowds thin giving them a better idea of who was trying to leave and who was trying to stay, which makes use of force on those people more justified. Through these playoffs I have seen more restraint from the VPD then I have in the 22 years I lived there and the other 5 I've half lived there.

So burning someones property sucks, but burning cop cars is awesome?
Do you realize that a cop car is your property and you pay for it. Regardless of how you don't like what it represents, you bare the cost. Being a child is cool though.
Why don't we do anything to help the city when it hasn't been burned by rioters?
I don't know people don't generally like to help and then when they get a good reason to help and they do they are criticized for not helping out 24/7 365. Take what you can get from people I guess is what I'm trying to say.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:05 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
Social media justice: Because I am a registered gangster I'm not allowed to condone snitching so that will be my official stance, but I'm gonna be honest with you all I grew up in Vancouver I love the beautiful as well as the ugly and I want heads on posts. I want every single spoiled privileged turd to be held accountable for their actions and if we can't avoid having people glued to their Iphones I am at least happy that it can used to my benefit. Let them hang. Maybe if they all did get sent to Afghanistan they'd at least have idea of something worth fighting for.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 7:15 pm
by Andrew
The riot last night is causing a riot tonight... in Puff's heart.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:15 pm
by officespace
Rude Boy Puff wrote:
officespace wrote:the cops blamed it on anarchist so now I don't give a shit. It was all the black bloc you guys. They took the peaceful riot away from us. fucking agent provocateurs in the crowd and shit dude

Why don't we do anything to help the city when it hasn't been burned by rioters?
I don't know people don't generally like to help and then when they get a good reason to help and they do they are criticized for not helping out 24/7 365. Take what you can get from people I guess is what I'm trying to say.
I dont think you quite nailed down what I was saying. I am only pissed because ONLY NOW people care about how the city is perceived after the riot, when daily our city is in ruins. DTES is easily one of the worst neighborhoods in North America and there is litter everywhere. so yes I will complain that people are being stupid with this clean up our city bullshit. Why not make it a daily thing? why not help out at a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen? Why not pressure our government to make our public services better? oh wait becuase that takes daily/weekly effort.


Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:28 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
officespace wrote:
Rude Boy Puff wrote:
officespace wrote:the cops blamed it on anarchist so now I don't give a shit. It was all the black bloc you guys. They took the peaceful riot away from us. fucking agent provocateurs in the crowd and shit dude

Why don't we do anything to help the city when it hasn't been burned by rioters?
I don't know people don't generally like to help and then when they get a good reason to help and they do they are criticized for not helping out 24/7 365. Take what you can get from people I guess is what I'm trying to say.
I dont think you quite nailed down what I was saying. I am only pissed because ONLY NOW people care about how the city is perceived after the riot, when daily our city is in ruins. DTES is easily one of the worst neighborhoods in North America and there is litter everywhere. so yes I will complain that people are being stupid with this clean up our city bullshit. Why not make it a daily thing? why not help out at a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen? Why not pressure our government to make our public services better? oh wait becuase that takes daily/weekly effort.

No, I understood and it's because they don't care. Making them care about the DTES is a separate issue. Unfortunately you don't get to pick when people decide to give a shit,just be happy that for a second they did. Who knows maybe it'll catch on. Calling them out for not giving a shit is just counter productive.

Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:25 pm
by officespace
Rude Boy Puff wrote:
officespace wrote:
Rude Boy Puff wrote:
officespace wrote:the cops blamed it on anarchist so now I don't give a shit. It was all the black bloc you guys. They took the peaceful riot away from us. fucking agent provocateurs in the crowd and shit dude

Why don't we do anything to help the city when it hasn't been burned by rioters?
I don't know people don't generally like to help and then when they get a good reason to help and they do they are criticized for not helping out 24/7 365. Take what you can get from people I guess is what I'm trying to say.
I dont think you quite nailed down what I was saying. I am only pissed because ONLY NOW people care about how the city is perceived after the riot, when daily our city is in ruins. DTES is easily one of the worst neighborhoods in North America and there is litter everywhere. so yes I will complain that people are being stupid with this clean up our city bullshit. Why not make it a daily thing? why not help out at a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen? Why not pressure our government to make our public services better? oh wait becuase that takes daily/weekly effort.

No, I understood and it's because they don't care. Making them care about the DTES is a separate issue. Unfortunately you don't get to pick when people decide to give a shit,just be happy that for a second they did. Who knows maybe it'll catch on. Calling them out for not giving a shit is just counter productive.
but it's not a separate issue. They claim to care about their beautiful city and the real "black eye" of the city(the DTES) is gonna be there until we as citizens decide to finally do something about it. I think that is the problem I am having with this bullshit. Care about your city all the time or stop pretending to care when everyone else does. It wont catch on because everyone will forget that this happened a week or two later. Its called apathy, sports fans in general seem to be full of it.


Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 11:41 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
We are just talking in circles now. There is always going to be a more important issue, would you be happier if they did nothing at all?