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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:57 am
by ebony
I'm going to have to go with Troy on this one, even though this is a message board with somewhat freedom of speech attatched to it?

Horizons are a great band, great musicians.. Despite any personal issues I or anyone may or may not have with members, I still enjoyed their set regardless of the yong girl. I did mention to a few people that Josh B and I spoke to her outside later that night, she was absolutley gooned, and looking to flirt with anything that had 2 and a haf legs. So really, it was her choice to act th way she did, and it was Dustin's choice to react along with her the way he did; He's not the first to do it and im not saying I support it. My place that night was to stay the fuck out of it and not take sides and ignore the issue, becauase we had over 100 people to keep happy that night and other thing son our minds.

I hope everyone can just let it go in this thread.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:05 am
by xJohnnyx
For the record, most of us are not saying that Dustin is a sexist thug. I just said that I thought it was inappropriate, and that I disagree with how he handled the people who made the signs.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:15 am
by officespace
I think we should just go back to talking about how Runaways blew basically every band away


Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:17 am
by xJohnnyx
I dunno if they blew every band away... but I did like them a lot, and they were rad dudes.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:25 am
by Token
Had a rad time, missed out on any of the supposed "drama" and am thankful. Love (most of) the OK dudes so I was bummed I had to miss that set. Thanks be to all the bands for performing and more thanks to everyone putting up with my babysitting. Sorry I had to be "that girl" haha. All in all it was a rad weekend and I enjoyed myself immensely.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:30 am
by xJohnnyx
Token wrote: and more thanks to everyone putting up with my babysitting. Sorry I had to be "that girl" haha.
I don't think anyone minded.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 1:36 am
by Token
xJohnnyx wrote:
Token wrote: and more thanks to everyone putting up with my babysitting. Sorry I had to be "that girl" haha.
I don't think anyone minded.
Neither do I, but I gotta apologize just in case. You know this...

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:09 am
by keith.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:32 am
by xnoogzx
BTW I lied about only posting on here only once.

Also, I know and love most of the people arguing on here. First and for most, the internet is the lamest place to have an argument. The only reason Dustin commented on here is because, really, there is no other way to communicate with anyone else. I admit it wasn't the best way but whatever. I would be angry too if people started talking shit on me and my band on the internet. I like to think I'm an approachable guy and if you had a problem with something, I'd hope to talk to these people in person, not as an argument but just a conversation. Also, it's quite offensive to call bands lame and boring when these guys are putting their hearts into the music. How would you feel if a bunch of people said, on the internet that your band was terrible or boring or lame, I'd be pretty upset for one. If it's not your thing, it's not your thing, but when you start saying things suck or start insulting the band, it starts getting personal. As I said on a post somewhere else, when you start doing something like this, you're as bad as the problem itself. You're dropping down to that level that you're criticizing. Granted what happened during Horizons' set was weird but you also have to realize that Dustin was joking around with Tyler J. until the girl pushed him away and joined in. Degrading? That's not for you to decide, if the girl had fun, then there should be no problem. She had a choice and took that route. We can talk about the whole society thing but really, what it comes down to is were both parties consenting? Is so, weird or not, it shouldn't have been a big issue. Also, as Dustin said it he would have been if it was a dude. Would everyone reacted the same way if say for example Tyler J. got up and starting dancing with him? Probably not, so who's really being sexist here? I am definitely being the devil's advocate here and remember I know most of you in person and I respect each and every one of you but remember that pointing fingers at people saying they are destroying the "scene" only further divides and disintegrates the very "scene" you're trying to protect. There are many people in the world and if you can't work along side them, really you're not living in the real world. I'm not saying you have to agree or accept everything everyone does but if you shut down every person you don't agree with and shun them from the "scene" soon you'll have just your friends coming to shows. I am getting way off topic here.... this is what happens when I get into discussion mode at 2 in the morning...
Anyways, my whole point was forget about the negatives that happened and focus on the positive vibes we had at the show (I also said this in a different post). If you only look at specifics of what happened, you'll miss the big picture. Also, chilllllll oouuuutttttt, there is a life outside punk/hardcore. Have "positive vibrations" as Giles would say. I don't know, I'm tired, ate too much seafood and should be going to bed. Also, it's interesting that this is such a big issue but is really hilarious when I speak in a very "asian" accent. Isn't what I'm doing racist? I don't know, if people are offended by that though, they should really ease up on life :) <3

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:33 am
by xnoogzx
I almost forgot, does anyone have pictures from Set Foot's set? I'd like to see pictures because you know..I can't really see what was really going on behind the kit :)

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:39 am
by xnoogzx
Another thing,

Forestry and Woolworm this Saturday at Sugar! Also the Book of Caverns/Mouse Ear/Watcher show at the Red Door!
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood


Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:47 am
by xnoogzx

Also Giles' rendition of Keith Morris of the quote in the beginning of this trailer is classic.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:07 am
by tylerp
dalamar501 wrote: You guys aren't getting reasonable dialogue going right now.
how can this be true when you also say:
dalamar501 wrote: Everyone HAS VALID POINTS.
whenever there's a dispute on the internet, people get mad. at least when they're behind a computer, they can sit and think and write their thoughts instead of just yelling at each other, laughing in faces, and ripping up signs. I don't want this thread locked but I think it's just a difference of opinions and approaches to life. there's not really much more to discuss or much more that can be done to change anyone's mind, but it might as well not be a locked thread. if anyone wants to take it further, that's fine, but I think it's sort of a dead end.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:26 am
by giles
i like that noogz and troy come off as the biggest stoners in this thread.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:32 am
by Andrew
I agree with everything Johnny has said. Well spoken.

I disagree with mudslinging at Horizons as a band in the context of talking about the singer's actions. It detracts from the issue raised and Noogz is right about it.

I agree with Tyler about not locking the thread.

I disagree with grabbing the sign away and tearing it up. Can't justify that no one spoke to you in person about this that day when you had acted aggressive towards someone.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:48 am
by Andrew
dustingusbus wrote: almost every set i saw this year a good chunk on the crowd sat there with arms crossed looking bored as fuck. so when we went up i was a little drunk and ready to have a good time. so i did some dumb shit, probably said a lot of dumb shit, but i had a fucking good time. and all of my peers in the audience weren't standing there arms crossed looking bored as fuuuck.
Is this your backhand way of saying the other bands who played were boring?

But don't go on the internet and like on bands, right?

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:51 am
by keith.
has anyone found a link to photos from that guy who had the giant camera in everyones faces the whole fest?

ive seen a handful of OOS's and Watcher's set on tumblr but thats it

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:54 am
by Token
Andrew wrote:
dustingusbus wrote: almost every set i saw this year a good chunk on the crowd sat there with arms crossed looking bored as fuck. so when we went up i was a little drunk and ready to have a good time. so i did some dumb shit, probably said a lot of dumb shit, but i had a fucking good time. and all of my peers in the audience weren't standing there arms crossed looking bored as fuuuck.
Is this your backhand way of saying the other bands who played were boring?

But don't go on the internet and like on bands, right?
I more interpreted it as Dustin wanting the crowd to show a little more interest.. There is a general stand around with arms crossed mentality at a lot of hardcore shows. I'm guilty myself but personally it's because I'm so busy taking everything in I rarely think to move. Some fans and artists just want crowd involvement and I wouldn't call that bad.

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:18 pm
by officespace
Token wrote:
Andrew wrote:
dustingusbus wrote: almost every set i saw this year a good chunk on the crowd sat there with arms crossed looking bored as fuck. so when we went up i was a little drunk and ready to have a good time. so i did some dumb shit, probably said a lot of dumb shit, but i had a fucking good time. and all of my peers in the audience weren't standing there arms crossed looking bored as fuuuck.
Is this your backhand way of saying the other bands who played were boring?

But don't go on the internet and like on bands, right?
I more interpreted it as Dustin wanting the crowd to show a little more interest.. There is a general stand around with arms crossed mentality at a lot of hardcore shows. I'm guilty myself but personally it's because I'm so busy taking everything in I rarely think to move. Some fans and artists just want crowd involvement and I wouldn't call that bad.
For a fest such as this one it is sort of hard to move around for like what 26 bands that played?

Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 12:26 pm
by Token
officespace wrote:
Token wrote:
Andrew wrote:
dustingusbus wrote: almost every set i saw this year a good chunk on the crowd sat there with arms crossed looking bored as fuck. so when we went up i was a little drunk and ready to have a good time. so i did some dumb shit, probably said a lot of dumb shit, but i had a fucking good time. and all of my peers in the audience weren't standing there arms crossed looking bored as fuuuck.
Is this your backhand way of saying the other bands who played were boring?

But don't go on the internet and like on bands, right?
I more interpreted it as Dustin wanting the crowd to show a little more interest.. There is a general stand around with arms crossed mentality at a lot of hardcore shows. I'm guilty myself but personally it's because I'm so busy taking everything in I rarely think to move. Some fans and artists just want crowd involvement and I wouldn't call that bad.
For a fest such as this one it is sort of hard to move around for like what 26 bands that played?
I wasn't saying it's an easy request, but it's not an extremely outrageous one either. Besides, there are just some fans who aren't comfortable with it (myself included) or some songs just don't require it (personal opinion, of course). Oh well, we'll probably never actually know which Dustin meant but either way I can understand his point, and can also understand how others may choose to disagree. Honestly, I think many worse things have been done during previous hardcore shows globally. And at the end of the day it was that girls choice to represent herself that way from what I understood. I don't believe Dustin to be the kind of guy to "disrespect" a woman on purpose, especially one he didn't know. He's a funny dude and sometimes just happens to have a different sense of humour.