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Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 1:57 pm
by Jordan f.
HAhahah straight edge just can't be properly put into a documentary.


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:03 pm
by dalamar501
Jordan f. wrote:HAhahah straight edge just can't be properly put into a documentary.
Why is that? Do you think it is undefinable?

I think it can be.
Or at least various peoples perceptions of it. The people that got interviewed and described their aspect of what they felt straight edge to them was got it put into a documentary.
The 2 euros that did that Edge:The Movie probably feel they encapsulated what they felt defined straight edge in their movie. as a subculture that is wide in its perceptions of how it is defined it will never wholly cover straight edge probably. You got to take what information you can from it. Most documentaries only tell one side of a topic or event. Basically Straight Edge is a pretty personal thing and everyone is individuals so they are all pretty different but the documentaries take portions of that to help give an idea. Which they do. I guess i just enjoy watching some documentaries and find it interesting to see what / how they deal with such a topic deals with something connected to me.


Also see post below mine. It is also pretty true despite what i was just saying.


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:03 pm
by dave mac
things that always suck

straight edge documentaries
straight edge clothing lines
straight edge news stories
straight edge famous people
straight edge references in movies/tv shows


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:14 pm
by dave mac
this is better than any straight edge documentary could ever be, and it should be left for people to discover it for themselves.


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:29 pm
by Jordan f.
Straight edge has no exact time line, no one definition, no one reason. It's 100% personal. Movies and shit always try and sum it up in an hour when that simply can't be done. Movies give off a "here's the rules... Learn them" vibe, it's completely backwards and fake. I am almost positive I will never see a edge movie and be happy in the end. Unless the movie is just the words "go to a fucking show" on the screen with SSD playing in the background.

Ps Dave Mac dropping true logic


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:36 pm
by dalamar501
Jordan f. wrote:Straight edge has no exact time line, no one definition, no one reason. It's 100% personal. Movies and shit always try and sum it up in an hour when that simply can't be done. Movies give off a "here's the rules... Learn them" vibe, it's completely backwards and fake. I am almost positive I will never see a edge movie and be happy in the end. Unless the movie is just the words "go to a fucking show" on the screen with SSD playing in the background.

Ps Dave Mac dropping true logic
Truth to Dave Mac dropping true logic.

As to the regards to what the purpose of a film is. In the National Geographic one i see it more as a study of the individuals not the movement which they highlight by focusing on various individuals that are all different than the others. Showing that it is a personal thing. They aren't really meant to be learning tools or how to get someone into it. More hey this is an interesting person.

I am trying to defend the idea behind doing a documentary on a subject really and the ways it can be used. That is also why i really enjoyed that one straight edge text book was the interviews. It is a view point of those individuals and what straight edge means to them and how they interpret it. I guess since i view it this way such books / movies can be seen from another view point as a whole trying to encapsulate a movement and make it short to fit.


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:43 pm
by Jordan f.
Still, the NG documentary is made for people who don't know about straight edge. By interviewing a small number of people it boxes in what straight edge is. You may see it and think "ok those are SOME things about straight edge" but someone who has no idea will see those opinions as dominant. They depersonalize a personal thing.


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:46 pm
by Jordan f.
Also, how can you disagree with me but agree with dm? We are saying the same thing.

Related note: we gotta bring Will some rootbeers tonight. I am stoked duder!


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 2:54 pm
by dalamar501
Jordan f. wrote:Still, the NG documentary is made for people who don't know about straight edge. By interviewing a small number of people it boxes in what straight edge is. You may see it and think "ok those are SOME things about straight edge" but someone who has no idea will see those opinions as dominant. They depersonalize a personal thing.
That would happen anyway from the "news" stories that happen to play news that includes straight edge. at least with the way NG approached it. it shows at least 5 -8 different people all with different perspectives on it. through 4 or 6 sections of it with different online content. Average viewers will make their opinions. others will view it for what it is. This program wouldn't have interested a ton of people in the first place besides viewers that actually order the channel and watch programs on various subjects so are at least attentive people interested.\

i can disagree with aspects of what you are saying.
As a whole what DM said are true in the past and so far. For the most part. things that always suck. However.
Don't we get stoked about us ourselves making straight edge clothing?
And so far the past 2 documentaries i have watched have had some valid interesting sections that as something outside of straight edge is an interesting look into youth movements.

I am just trying to present validations to the form of a documentary and how it can be used as personal character studies.


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:09 pm
by Jordan f.
First, we want to make windbreakers for ourselves. For fun. If you asked me to start a straight edge clothing company I would say no. It's not a company, it's us being dorks together ;)

I am not saying documentaries can't have positive effects. They just suck. It might get a kid interested, but the doc still sucks and years later if he/she watches it they will agree.

You can't really study it because if you document 100 studies of different people, you still haven't even scratched the surface.

This is hard to so from my phone. Hopefully some of what I've said has been coherent.


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:01 pm
Jordan f. wrote:Straight edge has no exact time line, no one definition, no one reason. It's 100% personal.
this sounds too spiritual...


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 6:00 pm
by officespace
Just finished the first season of Community. Wow what a great show. I see it only having a life of like 3 seasons but that's all it will really need anyway. The season finale was a disappointment though.



Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 11:36 am
by officespace
catching up on the last 2 seasons of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia



Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:17 pm
by Andrew
VI, I am out of shows to watch. What tv shows have I missed?


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:43 pm
by officespace
What're you looking for? You have come to the right place


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 12:58 pm
by Andrew
officespace wrote:What're you looking for? You have come to the right place
Just a new series worth watching. I feel like I've seen all the series that seemed interesting of late. I'm certain there's a few shows out there that I don't know about that are good though.


Posted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 1:28 pm
by Jordan f.
officespace wrote:catching up on the last 2 seasons of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

So many legit lols

BLOOD IN BLOOD OUT... in a couple hours. I am stoked


Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 3:00 am
by officespace
Andrew wrote:
officespace wrote:What're you looking for? You have come to the right place
Just a new series worth watching. I feel like I've seen all the series that seemed interesting of late. I'm certain there's a few shows out there that I don't know about that are good though.
Party Down,Archer and The League for comedies. Maybe The Fringe and Terriers for dramas although Terriers is more of a Dramedy.


Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 10:49 am
recently watched:
The Cable Guy
Walk Hard
- it was a good attempt to parody the genre of rock and roll biographical movies, but it was really weak and not very funny.
Ghost Dog
Six Feet Under
- has anyone suffered through this entire series? I don't get it... More than anything the show pisses me off and i want to punch myself because of the annoying characters and the bad acting. People told me it's so great so I've done 3 seasons and it still sucks. I don't think I can waste anymore time on this show. Seriously, it's just terrible -- especially the whole plot line of Claire being an 'artist'. FML.


Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 11:11 am
by Andrew
officespace wrote:Party Down,Archer and The League for comedies. Maybe The Fringe and Terriers for dramas although Terriers is more of a Dramedy.

I've seen all of Party Down (sucks it was canceled), but I've never watched Archer or The League.

Is The Fringe a different show than Fringe?

Never watched Terriers either, I'll check it out.