stanley cup / vancouver riot

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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by officespace »

Rude Boy Puff wrote:We are just talking in circles now. There is always going to be a more important issue, would you be happier if they did nothing at all?
No. I would be happy with either of these things:
A)shut the fuck up about the whole thing and do nothing. (Most people commenting on the riot will take this option in a week)
B)Keep talking about cleaning up the city and "fuck those rioters", while doing some good for your city YEAR ROUND

It really isnt that hard to donate an hour of your time per week to work at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, etc. clean up your city for real, not just when the internet mob tells you to.

I really dont think you get it. You cant complain about your city and then not do anything for it a week later. It can't be both ways. Im not saying dont do anything, but if you want to make your city beautiful make an effort year round

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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by heyjealousy »

I knew this was going to happen. The fanzone downtown was a horrible idea, the first rule in the book of riot prevention is not having lots of people in one area. To make things worse in a panic they closed bridges and stopped busses, making it harder for people to leave downtown since it has water on 3 sides. I ended up downtown out of sheer curiosity, I wanted to see what was happening first hand and for my own opinions and base my opinions off of rumors. It was a fucking warzone downtown, it sickens me that a losing sports team was justification for people essentially trying to destroy their homes and people were mostly smiling and generally happy doing this shit like it was a cute novelty. So many people posing for pictures in front of flipped cars and smashed out store fronts. when I saw fires on the block I used to live on downtown is when I decided this was too depressing and went home, shortly after I left the bay got looted. I take issue with many things directly related to vancouver and I wish people would get this heated over real issues that affect our city rather than the loss of a sports teams who plays hockey here and happens to put the cities name on their jerseys. Even the stupidest people I know can grasp the idea of not shitting where they eat.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by heyjealousy »

also: blame pointed on anarchists disguised as fans is absurd, every anarchist I know cant afford canucks jerseys
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by officespace »

heyjealousy wrote:also: blame pointed on anarchists disguised as fans is absurd, every anarchist I know cant afford canucks jerseys
they stole them. duh
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by heyjealousy »

I blame reptoids cloaked as surrey bros for the violence
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Hollow »

heyjealousy wrote:I knew this was going to happen. The fanzone downtown was a horrible idea, the first rule in the book of riot prevention is not having lots of people in one area. To make things worse in a panic they closed bridges and stopped busses, making it harder for people to leave downtown since it has water on 3 sides. I ended up downtown out of sheer curiosity, I wanted to see what was happening first hand and for my own opinions and base my opinions off of rumors. It was a fucking warzone downtown, it sickens me that a losing sports team was justification for people essentially trying to destroy their homes and people were mostly smiling and generally happy doing this shit like it was a cute novelty. So many people posing for pictures in front of flipped cars and smashed out store fronts. when I saw fires on the block I used to live on downtown is when I decided this was too depressing and went home, shortly after I left the bay got looted. I take issue with many things directly related to vancouver and I wish people would get this heated over real issues that affect our city rather than the loss of a sports teams who plays hockey here and happens to put the cities name on their jerseys. Even the stupidest people I know can grasp the idea of not shitting where they eat.

Pretty much how I feel. I'm of the opinion that a riot can be a useful tool in affecting change, but it has to be used carefully, at the right times, and for the right reasons. This was none of those things. This was a bunch of cattle stampeding, nothing less.

I still dig the cop cars burning, and if that's my property then I give people permission to burn away.

I'm sorry this affected you so much, Puff. I'd probably feel very similar if people did this to Victoria.
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Do drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. The harder the better. Then you'll go from being lonely to wishing that everybody would just fuck off because their a bunch of fucking buzzkills going on about how 'you've got a problem" and they "just want to be their to help you". You don't need any of them. You just need drugs.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot


Rude Boy Puff wrote:
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Burning cop cars are sweet. Canucks fans are cry babies who support a weak team that phones it in as soon as pressure's on. I'm sure that before the game even started everybody in the Canucks dressing room had resigned themselves to defeat. Sure the Habs got beat out first round, but I'm still proud of them for always playing their hardest. Instead of looting random shit they should have rallied around the arena demanding Luongo and the Sedin's resignation. Instead they just reaffirmed the rest of the countries perception of Vancouver of being filled with a bunch of self centered cry-babies with senses of entitlement the size of Texas. Canucks suck, Canucks fans suck more. Go Habs.

Just gonna leave that there, you are too easy.
I'm not sure at what point I've denied the existence of hockey riots in Montreal. I've even been known to get misty eyed talking about the Richard riot, or when in '86 the cops were so poorly prepared they were ruled criminally negligent by the courts. I just think that team's weak and neither the team nor the fans seem to really care. Instead they dive across the ice, take stupid penalties and the blame the refs for losing. The riot is small potatoes to me. In a few weeks everything will cleaned up and everybody who posted pictures of themselves on face book setting cop cars on fire will be arrested and come October everybody will have forgotten that there even was a riot and go back to pretending that Luongo is a good goaltender. I just hope that Daniel Sedin doesn't make anymore promises. Gotta give the fans props for booing and throwing shit at Garry Bettman though, but they could have won and he still would have gotten booed.
Last edited by ZACH ATTACK on Fri Jun 17, 2011 1:26 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot


officespace wrote:
Rude Boy Puff wrote:We are just talking in circles now. There is always going to be a more important issue, would you be happier if they did nothing at all?
No. I would be happy with either of these things:
A)shut the fuck up about the whole thing and do nothing. (Most people commenting on the riot will take this option in a week)
B)Keep talking about cleaning up the city and "fuck those rioters", while doing some good for your city YEAR ROUND

It really isnt that hard to donate an hour of your time per week to work at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, etc. clean up your city for real, not just when the internet mob tells you to.

I really dont think you get it. You cant complain about your city and then not do anything for it a week later. It can't be both ways. Im not saying dont do anything, but if you want to make your city beautiful make an effort year round

You're butt hurt that people are volunteering to clean up a mess they didn't make. I hope I never accidentally do something nice for you because I'm not sure I could stand listening to you complain about how I should be doing you favours YEAR ROUND.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by officespace »

officespace wrote:
Rude Boy Puff wrote:We are just talking in circles now. There is always going to be a more important issue, would you be happier if they did nothing at all?
No. I would be happy with either of these things:
A)shut the fuck up about the whole thing and do nothing. (Most people commenting on the riot will take this option in a week)
B)Keep talking about cleaning up the city and "fuck those rioters", while doing some good for your city YEAR ROUND

It really isnt that hard to donate an hour of your time per week to work at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, etc. clean up your city for real, not just when the internet mob tells you to.

I really dont think you get it. You cant complain about your city and then not do anything for it a week later. It can't be both ways. Im not saying dont do anything, but if you want to make your city beautiful make an effort year round

You're butt hurt that people are volunteering to clean up a mess they didn't make. I hope I never accidentally do something nice for you because I'm not sure I could stand listening to you complain about how I should be doing you favours YEAR ROUND.
again please read into the whole thing I posted. I am only upset because of how people are so into not disgracing the city yet all year round we have this massive black eye that people sweep under the rug. it's just taking the easy way out. It really isn't hard to volunteer a tiny bit of your time. I fully support cleaning up the city. Good on them, just don't pretend you are doing some amazing thing when next week you wont give two shits.

I don't really get the angle of your analogy. It doesn't really have a thing to do with what I was saying. I'm not butthurt about them cleaning up.

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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Rude Boy Puff »

Rude Boy Puff wrote:
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Burning cop cars are sweet. Canucks fans are cry babies who support a weak team that phones it in as soon as pressure's on. I'm sure that before the game even started everybody in the Canucks dressing room had resigned themselves to defeat. Sure the Habs got beat out first round, but I'm still proud of them for always playing their hardest. Instead of looting random shit they should have rallied around the arena demanding Luongo and the Sedin's resignation. Instead they just reaffirmed the rest of the countries perception of Vancouver of being filled with a bunch of self centered cry-babies with senses of entitlement the size of Texas. Canucks suck, Canucks fans suck more. Go Habs.

Just gonna leave that there, you are too easy.
I'm not sure at what point I've denied the existence of hockey riots in Montreal. I've even been known to get misty eyed talking about the Richard riot, or when in '86 the cops were so poorly prepared they were ruled criminally negligent by the courts. I just think that team's weak and neither the team nor the fans seem to really care. Instead they dive across the ice, take stupid penalties and the blame the refs for losing. The riot is small potatoes to me. In a few weeks everything will cleaned up and everybody who posted pictures of themselves on face book setting cop cars on fire will be arrested and come October everybody will have forgotten that there even was a riot and go back to pretending that Luongo is a good goaltender. I just hope that Daniel Sedin doesn't make anymore promises. Gotta give the fans props for booing and throwing shit at Garry Bettman though, but they could have won and he still would have gotten booed.
So essentially you still like your hockey team better then anyone elses and everyone else can eat shit. I respect that. I'm just very proud my team never felt the need to call the cops on Zdeno Chara. Maxim Lapierre may have recieved my bitch of the game award for game 5, but he scored the game winner so I forgave him and he didn't get away with it so what can you do.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by grind/bro »

Does this happen with other sports? Like have there been football or basketball or baseball riots???
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Andrew »

I think what's getting misunderstood about Warren's point is not that he's bothered by people volunteering to clean up, that's cool. It's that it took hockey rioting, not poverty to inspire people to want to take action.

And Puff is right that people doing something is better than nothing, but Warren's point and Puff's are both right in my opinion.

And clean up volunteers aside, the numerous people saying they're ashamed/embarrassed to be from Vancouver because of the riot and not because of the other problems the city faces daily shows a general ignorance towards Vancouver's bigger issues.

At least that's what I took you to mean Warren.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by stumped. »

when i was down there i felt like i was trapped in some surrey rat's ultimate wet dream
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot


Rude Boy Puff wrote:
Rude Boy Puff wrote:
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Burning cop cars are sweet. Canucks fans are cry babies who support a weak team that phones it in as soon as pressure's on. I'm sure that before the game even started everybody in the Canucks dressing room had resigned themselves to defeat. Sure the Habs got beat out first round, but I'm still proud of them for always playing their hardest. Instead of looting random shit they should have rallied around the arena demanding Luongo and the Sedin's resignation. Instead they just reaffirmed the rest of the countries perception of Vancouver of being filled with a bunch of self centered cry-babies with senses of entitlement the size of Texas. Canucks suck, Canucks fans suck more. Go Habs.

Just gonna leave that there, you are too easy.
I'm not sure at what point I've denied the existence of hockey riots in Montreal. I've even been known to get misty eyed talking about the Richard riot, or when in '86 the cops were so poorly prepared they were ruled criminally negligent by the courts. I just think that team's weak and neither the team nor the fans seem to really care. Instead they dive across the ice, take stupid penalties and the blame the refs for losing. The riot is small potatoes to me. In a few weeks everything will cleaned up and everybody who posted pictures of themselves on face book setting cop cars on fire will be arrested and come October everybody will have forgotten that there even was a riot and go back to pretending that Luongo is a good goaltender. I just hope that Daniel Sedin doesn't make anymore promises. Gotta give the fans props for booing and throwing shit at Garry Bettman though, but they could have won and he still would have gotten booed.
So essentially you still like your hockey team better then anyone elses and everyone else can eat shit. I respect that. I'm just very proud my team never felt the need to call the cops on Zdeno Chara. Maxim Lapierre may have recieved my bitch of the game award for game 5, but he scored the game winner so I forgave him and he didn't get away with it so what can you do.
I'm not positive that it was the team who went to the cops. The Police said they were acting on a request from Quebec's director of criminal prosecutions, and Max Pacioretty went on record saying that he didn't want Chara to be prosecuted. The team issued a statement saying that they were disappointed Chara wasn't suspended and that the league needs to crack down on head shots and make players' safety more of a priority, but they didn't call the cops. A (probably) bored civil servant hoping to boost his career did that. Personally I think it was a dirty hit, and had Pacioretty not been wearing a red, white and blue jersey Chara would have missed at least a couple games, but there was no reason to get the cops involved.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot


grind/bro wrote:Does this happen with other sports? Like have there been football or basketball or baseball riots???
In 2010 after Boston lost to the LA in the NBA championship there were riots in both cities. When the red scocks won the world series, Boston rioted, and there was a riot in San Francisco last year after the Giants won. In Europe they plan riots around soccer games. This isn't something that's unique to hockey or Vancouver. It's a problem that is unique to cramming a bunch of drunk and excited people into a small place and telling them they should be emotionally invested in the outcome of a sporting event. I think that most of us agree that It was Canucks fans who were rioting after the game and not the black bloc boogie man, but I also think it's more than obvious that the vast majority of Fans said "That sucks, let's go home" after the game. I just wish they'd stop with the "they weren't true fans" bullshit. Their team lost and bunch of guys in their jerseys started rioting. Own that some of your fans, just like every other team, are knuckleheads and deal with it.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Human-Demise »

"hahaha, you were moved, wuss."
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Mikey »

A friend of mine on tumblr made a post about how it's stupid to talk about the riots like it was something serious. That it is ridiculous because there are more severe problems in other places. I do not understand this attitude at all. I'm sorry, something bad happened but since it wasn't as bad/meaningful as Libya it doesn't matter. Extremism loses.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by grind/bro »
Brilliant article on the riots. Nail on the head.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot


officespace wrote:
officespace wrote:
Rude Boy Puff wrote:We are just talking in circles now. There is always going to be a more important issue, would you be happier if they did nothing at all?
No. I would be happy with either of these things:
A)shut the fuck up about the whole thing and do nothing. (Most people commenting on the riot will take this option in a week)
B)Keep talking about cleaning up the city and "fuck those rioters", while doing some good for your city YEAR ROUND

It really isnt that hard to donate an hour of your time per week to work at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, etc. clean up your city for real, not just when the internet mob tells you to.

I really dont think you get it. You cant complain about your city and then not do anything for it a week later. It can't be both ways. Im not saying dont do anything, but if you want to make your city beautiful make an effort year round

You're butt hurt that people are volunteering to clean up a mess they didn't make. I hope I never accidentally do something nice for you because I'm not sure I could stand listening to you complain about how I should be doing you favours YEAR ROUND.
again please read into the whole thing I posted. I am only upset because of how people are so into not disgracing the city yet all year round we have this massive black eye that people sweep under the rug. it's just taking the easy way out. It really isn't hard to volunteer a tiny bit of your time. I fully support cleaning up the city. Good on them, just don't pretend you are doing some amazing thing when next week you wont give two shits.

I don't really get the angle of your analogy. It doesn't really have a thing to do with what I was saying. I'm not butthurt about them cleaning up.

You're making some really big assumptions. I'm fairly certain that you don't know everybody involved in the clean up effort, so for all you know they could be the same people volunteering in soup kitchens and doing needle sweeps. I'd even wager that the people involved in the clean up effort are more likley to be involved in other volunteer activity. So unless you're privy to some sort of data showing that the majority of people involved in the clean up effort don't give a shit about anything else effecting the city you're kind of just making stuff up as you go along to suit your own assumptions.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by officespace »

officespace wrote:
officespace wrote:
Rude Boy Puff wrote:We are just talking in circles now. There is always going to be a more important issue, would you be happier if they did nothing at all?
No. I would be happy with either of these things:
A)shut the fuck up about the whole thing and do nothing. (Most people commenting on the riot will take this option in a week)
B)Keep talking about cleaning up the city and "fuck those rioters", while doing some good for your city YEAR ROUND

It really isnt that hard to donate an hour of your time per week to work at a soup kitchen, homeless shelter, etc. clean up your city for real, not just when the internet mob tells you to.

I really dont think you get it. You cant complain about your city and then not do anything for it a week later. It can't be both ways. Im not saying dont do anything, but if you want to make your city beautiful make an effort year round

You're butt hurt that people are volunteering to clean up a mess they didn't make. I hope I never accidentally do something nice for you because I'm not sure I could stand listening to you complain about how I should be doing you favours YEAR ROUND.
again please read into the whole thing I posted. I am only upset because of how people are so into not disgracing the city yet all year round we have this massive black eye that people sweep under the rug. it's just taking the easy way out. It really isn't hard to volunteer a tiny bit of your time. I fully support cleaning up the city. Good on them, just don't pretend you are doing some amazing thing when next week you wont give two shits.

I don't really get the angle of your analogy. It doesn't really have a thing to do with what I was saying. I'm not butthurt about them cleaning up.

You're making some really big assumptions. I'm fairly certain that you don't know everybody involved in the clean up effort, so for all you know they could be the same people volunteering in soup kitchens and doing needle sweeps. I'd even wager that the people involved in the clean up effort are more likley to be involved in other volunteer activity. So unless you're privy to some sort of data showing that the majority of people involved in the clean up effort don't give a shit about anything else effecting the city you're kind of just making stuff up as you go along to suit your own assumptions.
I am fairly certain however the ones making the biggest noise about this riot online don't give a shit about the city except when something like this happens. I actually do know quite a bit of people bitching about the riot, but all they do is sit around and smoke weed all day regularly except when something like this happens.. I just did a quick glance on FB and it has 20,000 people attending a post riot cleanup, 20,000! Imagine if just 10% of those people gave two shits regularly?
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