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Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:22 am
by Hollow
Human-Demise wrote:
Hollow wrote:I'm not sure what connotations you're referring too. I just know it's the kind of thing people call me when they hear my accent. You wanna set me off? Treat me like I'm an idiot just for being American/from the south.
that connotation. maybe I'm using the word wrong
No, that's the correct use of the term. Dudes that rape Ned Beatty in Deliverence? Bumpkins. You call me a bumpkin and you're basically calling me a toothless, inbred hillbilly. Fuck. That.

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:32 am
by Hollow
xchadx wrote:
Human-Demise wrote:just want to interject with: bumpkin is a really dumb thing to call people you don't like as it is a word that has connotations. should just stick to calling them turds.
I feel like referring to a hillbilly looking, train hopping punk that refuses to pay for a show and causes trouble outside as a bumpkin is a rather fitting insult, it's really not that big of a deal. If they get offended by it, so be it. That really seemed quite clearly not directed at Willa. I'm also from a small town full of white trash, one could refer to me as a bumpkin as well, whateva!

The thing about GM is, it's not me and Hunty running a space. We are merely two people within a group of about 20 or so, and in the big scheme of things I don't have much control over how things are done there. Some people want to book booze friendly shows, and that's fine.. however we choose to discourage that at our shows so it's easier for us at the end of the day. Obviously there will be some people drinking..whatever, it's inevitable. However I hope they have a firm grasp on that beer when the power of mosh in that tiny room takes over. I will be running head first into oblivion during Punch's set.

ANYWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lets not derail a thread about this show. Punch and Loma Prieta have a split 7" out that I hope they'll still have on this tour. They cover eachothers songs. It's awesome. Punch also has a new 7" EP that will be coming out via 625 and Deathwish that they should (I assume) have on this tour as well. Out of Sight will have an excess of t-shirts and socially awkward vibes. You should buy one so we can put out a record. We will all hold hands and sing about how fucked up the world is together, mosh, and then wake up the next day tired and (sadly) go back to taking part in conventional society. At least we can all agree that shows like this bring us all together as an escape from that. Or we can all become train hoppers..which will also help us escape from conventional society (and sanity).

I'm sorry, but that seemed completely directed at me. Again, if I read that wrong I'm more than happy to let it go. I just want it understood that I will react badly if ever called that. And while I'm sure it seems like exactly the same thing coming from a small Canadian town, you really can't understand how much condescension I deal with in this country because I'm from America and (WORSE YET) from Texas. Most of it I can just brush off, but when it comes from people I consider friends it stings way more. I got very similar treatment growing up in Ohio (it's actually one of the things that my best friend and I bonded over. He's from Alabama.) and I honestly just have lost my patience with it. I'm an intelligent, well educated man and while I don't expect everyone to like me, I'd at least appreciate not being stereotyped. I dunno. This is a bit of a sore point for me, so I'm willing to accept that I might have overreacted.

Also, ONE MORE TIME, those are completely acceptable and fair rules to have. We have venues here that we don't allow drinking at either, and I don't want to even be somewhat related to a venue shutting down and friends losing a jam space. That would be a douche move of the highest order. I will not drink and am happy to not drink.

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:33 am
by Jordan f.
Big gulps huh, alright...

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:41 am
by grind/bro
Jordan f. wrote:Big gulps huh, alright...
hahahaha classic VIHC thread...

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:50 am
by xchadx

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 12:55 am
by grind/bro
Do they have a bandcamp? I'd like to hear them.

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:06 am
by Hollow
xchadx wrote:How about Vacant State eh, they've got a new LP coming out on Deranged that I'm looking forward to hearing. How about everyone else?!?!?!? Boy is this show ever gonna be fun!!!!!! Why am I awake still?!?!?!?

Okay, I smoked a bowl and chilled. Letting it go. Sorry for losing my temper, but I'm not sorry for being angry. I feel justified, as there was a seriously condescending tone to Hunter's post and so I took him quite literally on that word. I should have thought the response out better though, and definitely should not have told Hunter to pull his head out of his ass. Last I'll talk about it.

Completely (kind of) unrelated: No Eulogy went through Samo Media to press our LP, and the rep we dealt with was Gordon from Deranged Records. Small world, punk rock.

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:27 am
by officespace
I'm gonna piss sooooooooooooooooo much in the alley.


Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:36 am
by xchadx

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:48 am
by officespace
xchadx wrote:
officespace wrote:I'm gonna piss sooooooooooooooooo much in the alley.

I will mosh you!

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:54 am
by xchadx

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 1:19 pm
by Hollow
xchadx wrote:
officespace wrote:
xchadx wrote:
officespace wrote:I'm gonna piss sooooooooooooooooo much in the alley.

I will kiss you!


Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:14 pm
by trappedinside
I don't work mondays and am very seriously considering coming over for this... Punch rule and Loma Prieta were amazing when they played Vic that one time (although their recordings are not really my bag), it will most likely depend on how my funding looks right before going on tour.

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 2:15 pm
by Andrew
xchadx wrote:
officespace wrote:I'm gonna piss sooooooooooooooooo much in the alley.

I will slap you in the junk mid stream!

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:04 pm
by heyjealousy
Don't jump to conclusions and don't call me a kid.

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 3:32 pm
by xchadx

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2011 6:35 pm
by Russdogg
I think I'll be recording the Mouse Ear demo this weekend, from what I understand.
I bet it'll be good!

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:04 am
by dalamar501
new vacant state sounds awesome. got a chance to hear some a few weeks back.

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:35 pm
by Andrew
officespace wrote:
xchadx wrote:Damages unfortunately can't play, but a new band with Carl, Andrew and Alex (who plays in OOS) will be playing called Mouse Ear. Fuck yeah.
Andrew is that the Indie kinda band you were telling me about? Also should be called Mouse Rat

Nope, that band is Taxa, which I do with Hieg and our buddy Jeff. Jeff moved to Calgary for a year, so we've been comatose waiting for him to come back.

Re: Vancouver August 8th PUNCH/LOMA PRIETA/VS/OOS/ME

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 11:14 pm
by officespace
so what does dis band sound like?