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VIHC Poster
Posts: 171
Joined: Thu Mar 25, 2010 7:52 pm


Post by destroy »

i feel like 2011 was a pretty big year of disappointment and downerism for my life, and thus so for shows as well. i feel like normally there would be at least a few shows on here that i had a good hand in making happen or at least played some ragers, but this list is deceivingly longer than it feels.

the only ones that really stand out in my mind:

godspeed at the vogue
eyehategod + others in seattle
crowbar and saint vitus, and then pygmy lush and des ark all in the same night
seattle//vancouver may weekend with ghostlimb, owen hart, and capsule (despite the usual tempest curses)
marytyrdod + that other band with the old dude who runs prank recs who jokingly dubbed me the "regional racist" after i said something real dumb + tempest in a living room in santa barbara. last show at a punk house that had been around for like 10 years.
bunch of decent shows with vestiges and some crappy faux black metal bands in socal.
playing the epicenter of pyrate punx-dom in (smooo)oakland with pills (ex burial year, funeral diner, etc)
will's living room in oakland with reivers and some stoner metal band that i had never met before that made a shout out to me during their set while i was upstairs having a shower.
a few good local shows too, i suppose.
the two matthew good shows in december were totally awesome for me.

one of the weirdest things is just how many two hour long sets i sat through (for better or worse) in 2011. i rang in the new year with neurosis, and it set the tone because there was like four more in the next two months alone.
"user destroy has some opinions on bands." - tylerpicklesmith, 2010.
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