Head Hits Concrete get fucking stoked

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Re: Head Hits Concrete get fucking stoked

Post by keith. »

Brydon wrote:
dalamar501 wrote:i had fun.

straight edge.

(Most of) Sick: http://www.vimeo.com/16372729

Head Hits Concrete: http://www.vimeo.com/16372759

EDIT: Sorry to the earlier bands for not getting stuff filmed. My camera wasn't cooperating. This was sort of an experiment; if anyone actually digs the videos, I can shoot again at another show.
def film more shows, your camera works in a dark house show thats crucial!

edit: and wow the audio is actually really clear
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Re: Head Hits Concrete get fucking stoked

Post by PaulyHC »

sweet vids.

it was hilarious watching that Campbell River kid try and push some guy that bumped into him at 1:15 of the vid and the guy sidestepped him and he just went flailing into the middle - haha i remeber watching that happen, and im glad it got taped !
Text message from Troy "honest dude" Lemberg 07-07-2010

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Re: Head Hits Concrete get fucking stoked

Post by Hollow »

PaulyHC wrote:sweet vids.

it was hilarious watching that Campbell River kid try and push some guy that bumped into him at 1:15 of the vid and the guy sidestepped him and he just went flailing into the middle - haha i remeber watching that happen, and im glad it got taped !

That kid was definitely not from Campbell River, the actual Campbell River kids were disavowing knowledge of him entirely. No idea where he was from.

BUT YEAH, hilarity.

Also, paid to post.
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Do drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. The harder the better. Then you'll go from being lonely to wishing that everybody would just fuck off because their a bunch of fucking buzzkills going on about how 'you've got a problem" and they "just want to be their to help you". You don't need any of them. You just need drugs.
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