stanley cup / vancouver riot

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Rude Boy Puff
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Rude Boy Puff »

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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by officespace » ... uver-riot/
Dave Mac posted this on FB. Defiantly worth the read

age of quarrel wrote:No one poser exposes me more than the twins
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Rude Boy Puff »

"So in summary, if you live in Vancouver made a big deal about tidying up after the riot because you’re so proud of the image of your city, but yet you won’t help the Downtown Eastside which could really use it 365 days a year, then guess what? You’re an asshole too and I hope something terrible happens to your car."

Very cute conclusion when he admits to no longer living in Vancouver and when he did live on on Columbia and Pender he largely didn't give a shit. This is still a piss poor method to bring awareness to the needs of the DTES regardless if he used spell and grammar check.

"Do you actually think the person who’s business gets destroyed really feels sincerely comforted when somebody who had nothing to do with that glass getting broken apologized for it? It’s patronizing when something shitty happens to you and then somebody who had nothing to do with it is seeking your personal forgiveness. "

Nobody is seeking personal forgiveness from the CEO of the Bay or any other store downtown. That whole write something on the boarded up windows is a cathartic way to make themselves feel better about the shitty situation.

This article can be summed up simply "That riot wasn't even that bad by world standards, why don't you care about the Downtown East Side?"
Good question, but it will do nothing to answer it.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Rude Boy Puff »

I should also point out that like sports riots the city drug issues are not unique to Vancouver either and I'm curious as to what he offers the harder streets of Halifax.
Homeboy should have just left the David Newberry quote it's much easier to stomach, but that we agree on.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by canon.docre »

My blood sugar and 'restfullness' hasn't reached an optimum enough level for me to address this thread.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Noelle CDP »

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook. I feel it's a good analysis on the whole thing. ... s-children
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Rude Boy Puff »

Stoked on the dime store anarchist getting their names cleared so they can throw words like consumerism and capitalist around like they know a goddamn thing about anything. That article was 4 paces above the trash you try and sneak on recycling day. Fuck right off.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Rude Boy Puff »

Id all so like to mention wearing your white guilt on your sleeve makes me like you as much as a clansmen.
I am shocked at all the "free thought" this turd is invoking in me.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot


Looks like somebody needs a nap.
I grew wings and a beak just to stay on my feet.
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Jordan f.
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Re: stanley cup / vancouver riot

Post by Jordan f. »

I couldn't finish that article.....

The riots happened because we stuck a giant crowed of dickheads who thrive off partying and getting "rowdy" in one concentrated area. We then gave them way way way to much to drink. We also talked about the fact that riots were going to happen for months leading up to it. Now people are trying to come up with reasons why some drunk 20year old frat bro ssmashed windows and started fights? Uh... it's what these shitheads do every Friday, we just put thousands of them in one area. No one learned anything, it will happen again again. History will repeat itself while people continue saying "I can't beleive this happened".

ps, I don't care about my grammer. Don't bother correcting it.
Victoria Straight Edge
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