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DANZIG in the new issue of DECIBEL

Posted: Wed Jul 21, 2010 2:47 pm
by grind/bro
Has anyone read the article with DANZIG in the new issue of Decibel? Sure, the magazine does suck but holy moly the interview is hilarious. You learn some pretty interesting things about our old pal Glenn:
1. Danzig hates Obama more than Bush. But he doesn't vote whatsoever.
2. Danzig LOVES guns and blames Clinton for putting on certain bans so he can't buy a 60 caliber gattling rifle or something.
3. Danzig doesn't mind talking about The Misfits, but if Rolling Stone called he would tell them to "fuck off" because "they should have payed attention to the Misfits when they were around".
4. Danzig hates Jerry Only because apparently he just wrote a bunch of the Misfits songs in a matter of minutes, and playing it live under the moniker of "The Misfits" means that Jerry Only is too afraid to not use it.
5. Danzig doesn't like the Henry & Glenn Forever comic, documenting Henry Rollins and his homosexual love affair. He got mad at them and said he didn't care. Here's a little excerpt from the artists response to Glenn's comments:

Seriously seek out this issue and read it. I burst out laughing at least 5 times reading it in Chapters.