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What web comics do you read?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:18 am
Anders Loves Maria
Even though this will probably ruin my cynical fuck everything image, but it's probably my favourite. It's a beautiful and complex story about the relationship between Anders von Silfersked and Maria Holm, losley based around Maria's pregnancy and Anders' tendency to "cock things up" at the most inapropriate times. I tend to think that this is kind of what John Cusack movies would be like if they were all more like High Fidelity, except with out the record theme.

Questionable Content
Sarcastic mid to late twentysomethings dealing with all the same shit that you'd expect mid to late twentysomethings to deal with. It's kind of like a indi rock version of Friends except it's actually funny. And they have anthopomorphic semi sentient computers with base impulses to destroy.

Featuring Talking Guinea Pigs!
In an other dimention guinea pigs have developed techonlogy more advanced than our own and begin exploring outerspace. One such guinea pig, on his first voyage in space, fucks everything up and travels through a worm hole and crash lands in 19th century Russia where he befriends Peter, a hilarliously inept would-be philosopher.

Re: What web comics do you read?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:37 am
by Fish
ZACH ATTACK wrote: Questionable Content
Sarcastic mid to late twentysomethings dealing with all the same shit that you'd expect mid to late twentysomethings to deal with. It's kind of like a indi rock version of Friends except it's actually funny. And they have anthopomorphic semi sentient computers with base impulses to destroy.
I love QC; probably my favourite webcomic at this point. Props to the artists; it's updated five days a week, and he's the first person to ever make a living off a webcomic.

I also read A Softer World ...
not much can be said about asw. I suggest you check it out.

Re: What web comics do you read?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 11:07 am
by Hollow
Fish wrote:
ZACH ATTACK wrote: A Softer World ...
Funny story, lots of Victoria people (including myself) in A Softer World. Emily used to live out here.

Re: What web comics do you read?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 12:45 pm
by grungePIG
qc, of course
pictures for sad children is good i used to keep up with so many but i've forgotten most of them now

Re: What web comics do you read?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:26 pm
I forgot about A Softer World. Joey Comeau was in town last sunday to promote his new book. I think he did a reading at Camas. I had to work but was wondering if anybody else went.

Re: What web comics do you read?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 3:40 pm
by dalamar501
Most of the webcomics i read are nerdy roleplaying or video game related

Questionable Content

One of my favourite nerdy comics right now. It is in summer updates before book 2 starts so they are all text based till book 2. Book 1 is drawn.

updates almost once a week.. or once a month. Goblins as player characters etc.. yeah.. nerdy

Order of the Stick
nerdy making fun of DnD with some story arcs

This one is over but was pretty rad and i suggest it to people
Rice Boy

Re: What web comics do you read?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 9:49 pm
by grungePIG
ZACH ATTACK wrote:I forgot about A Softer World. Joey Comeau was in town last sunday to promote his new book. I think he did a reading at Camas. I had to work but was wondering if anybody else went.
i wanted to go so badly and had made plans around it all since it was going to be on saturday...and then it got moved to sunday last minute and i had to be on the mainland for thanksgiving dinner.
soooo choked.

Re: What web comics do you read?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 12:23 am
LAME! I was at work during the reading and got sent home just when it would have been too late to go check it out.

Re: What web comics do you read?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 2:15 am
by grind/bro
Mainly the Perry Bible Fellowship.

Re: What web comics do you read?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 10:09 am
by tylerp
qc, sometimes doctor ninja

Re: What web comics do you read?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2009 3:51 pm
exploding dog
married to the sea
toothpaste for dinner
a lesson is learned but the damage is irreversible
perry bible fellowship
nine planets without intelligent life