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Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:16 pm
by Jordan f.
Discuss things coffee related in this thread. What do you drink?

First things first, my coffee is always black. I honestly perfer most drip coffee from random coffee shops then I do "great" coffee from crazy "look how fancy this is" coffee shops. Depending on money and what a I am doing, I usually drink coffee everyday. Cup in the morning and if I am in town a cup at night.

Drip > french press > everthing else. (that said, I definitely enjoy french press as a change from time to time).

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:28 pm
by Tambro
Wrote a post then this computer logged off. Fucking Camosun.
Basically, I like coffee but only drink it socially. I have naturally really shaky hands and I'm way too shaky and sketchy whenever I take any drugs (i.e. coffee, weed, alcohol). This is also my excuse for being terrible at playing music. When I do get coffee I like some sort of cream (preferably 1% milk) and need sugar. Usually 1-2 spoons or 1-2 packets. Just a lil' something. I am seriously the least fussy coffee drinker ever though, could care less where I get it from.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:38 pm
by officespace
I like the taste of coffee. Love the smell of it being brewed. yum!

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:41 pm
by keith.
dont like coffee, probably never will.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:43 pm
I often get bad anxiety attacks when i drink coffee, but when I'm ok, I love coffee. I also love coffee coupled with cigarettes - it's possibly the best combo I've ever, ever tasted.

When I work (landscaping), I drink a lot of Tim Horton's double doubles, but only because that's where my boss goes and it's socially acceptable within the profession I guess. Once I took him to starbucks because there was nothing else around and it was the funniest thing.

However, I think Tim Horton's is generally not even coffee, it's hybrid sugar coffee drink. I love Cafe Fantastico the best. Even their drip coffee is delicious. Americano is my drink of choice, but french press and drip will suffice, I'm not too picky.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:47 pm
by Hollow
French press is the best way to go. Seriously. I like to have the beans whole, then grind. If you don't do it that way, try it. You'll most likely switch.

Drip is fine, I don't get anything else. Never Starbucks. This has nothing to do with politics, and everything to do with taste. Starbucks drip tastes like it was set on fire then brewed through a dead cat's ass. Starbucks isn't for people who like coffee, it's for people who like coffee flavoured milkshakes.

90% it's black, but every once in a while I throw in cream and sugar. Been doing that a bit lately, to be honest.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 5:54 pm
by SewnFlesh
I think drip is also the best way to go but only if its dripped one or two cups at a time. I just poor it through a ton of fresh ground beans.. no machine involved. I've tried french press but found that this way tastes way better.. i don't like the grainyness of frenchpress coffee.

i put 1/2 teaspoon of sugar just to bite the bitterness.

americano is good but i'm usually too cheap if i'm buying in a store and alot of the time if its not made right its no better than drip.

i drink 2-3 cups every morning and actually become quite irritable if I don't.. sometimes even headaches.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:04 pm
by Peter
I like a good americano a lot. had one today infact. it was delish. I tend to put a lot, most would say too much, sugar in though. whatever.

regular coffee im into as well. id rather have a so-so coffee than a so-so americano. it's weird how even so-so coffee is drinkable, but a so-so americano (see blenz) is not.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:24 pm
by Jordan f.
I actually love TH coffee (again I drink it black, I can see you're point when everyone is getting double doubles). This is probably because I grew up stopping at Tim Hortons at 6:30am on my way to hockey games (can you tell I am from canada? fuck...)

The americano at street level is great!

Diners with free refills is the greatest part about going out for breakfast.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:32 pm
by wolfgang
I have an Espresso machine at home and grind my own beans for a double Espresso in the morning, and one at night. At the shop we do French press...or if I'm feeling lazy...Habit is two doors down and make a good Americano. There are a shitload of good coffee places in town...but I like a cup of gas station coffee or diner drip as much as an Espresso from Street Level, Fantastico, Habit or Discovery...depending on the day. I also like Starbucks "coffee flavored milkshakes" on occasion...pumpkin spiced lattes, white chocolate mochas, etc. I just really LOVE coffee. I also love Beer, Gin, Dark Chocolate and Black licorice!

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:41 pm
by Human-Demise
officespace wrote:I like the taste of coffee. Love the smell of it being brewed. yum!
exactly how i feel.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:09 pm
by Jordan f.
wolfgang wrote:but I like a cup of gas station coffee or diner drip as much as an Espresso from Street Level, Fantastico, Habit or Discovery...depending on the day.
sometimes "bad" coffee is the best coffee. My friend has a small cabin on cowichan lake. One morning (after getting about an hour of sleep in the bed of a truck) I went and got a cup of coffee from the gas station/mechanic 5mins away. I think I enjoyed that cup of coffee more then any other coffee. My friend pushed me off the dock that morning, coffee in hand. My whole body went under water except for the hand my coffee was in which I managed to keep in the air. Treaded water for a little while drinking it. God that coffee ruled. Best dollar I've ever spent.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:36 pm
by Token
Don't drink coffee at all. If not for the taste, then for the fact it sends my anxiety through the roof most of the time. I did once go through a phase of having a non-fat, no whip, peppermint white chocolate mocha from Starbucks every morning, but go fed up with spending 5.00 bucks or more for something that doesn't work for me.
Now I just get my caffeine fix from Diet Coke.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 8:38 pm
by age of quarrel
french press is my jam, second is shitty diner coffee(I dont even know why i just love it!). as far as getting coffee when I'm out i give preference to jj bean, sweet tooth & laughing bean. I will go to starbucks if there is nothing close and I have no problem fucking with a tim-ho.
blenz and second cup can both suck my ass

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 9:10 pm
by ebony
Generally I always have a coffee with me, or I don't go a few hours without one. I have one right away in the morning and it goes down pretty fast, then I will pour a second and have it unil it's gone. I always have a coffee going at work, And i will have a fresh one at the end of the day before I leave work. I usually have 3 or 4 large coffees at work (my mug is really big) and then if I'm going out ill grab one if i'm at the mall or if I go out to dinner I'll have one. Sometimes I find myself racing to starbucks by my house before it closes to have some before I go to bed. I drink tea in the evening so between 7 and 9 I won't have a coffee. I won't start my day without one and not because it makes me "cranky" or "irritable" because I am those things alot of the time anyways.

I drink it different all the time, sometimes I have it black, sometimes just with raw sugar, sometimes with no sugar but a little soy milk, sometimes if I am feeling like a sweeter coffee I will get a low fat soy vanilla or hazelnut latte from a coffeeshop, generally with 4-6 extra shots of espresso in it.

The BEST cup of coffee (purchased) that I have ever had was at Bean Around the World.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 10:57 pm
by tylerp
I rarely have coffee. it makes me feel weird. sometimes troy leaves a pot in our coffee maker and I microwave a cup. it's okay. I don't really get it.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:24 pm
by grind/bro
Tea>Coffee. Forever and ever and ever until the sun explodes and kills Willa.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:27 pm
by Hollow
grind/bro wrote:Tea>Coffee. Forever and ever and ever until the sun explodes and kills Willa.



Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 11:30 pm
by age of quarrel
tylerp wrote:sometimes troy leaves a pot in our coffee maker and I microwave a cup.

Re: Coffee thread

Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 12:19 am
by ian
the day i got to the east coast i had a cup of tim hortons coffee because it was the nearest place and i have since had at least one or two a day everyday.