Hey, I need help with something...

Moderators: Andrew, dalamar501

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from the makers of infant hair dye
Posts: 3819
Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:39 pm
Location: Vancouver Island

Hey, I need help with something...

Post by Hollow »

So No Eulogy's gear is still at the Troyler/Snuggle House. We want to record in our jamspot tomorrow, but we're having trouble getting the gear back there. Would anyone with a truck or van be able to help move gear tomorrow? Hell, even a car would be more than what we have right now. It'll be annoying, but we will for sure give you gas money, and love you long time. It would be a huge help. Lemme know!
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Do drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. The harder the better. Then you'll go from being lonely to wishing that everybody would just fuck off because their a bunch of fucking buzzkills going on about how 'you've got a problem" and they "just want to be their to help you". You don't need any of them. You just need drugs.
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