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let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:39 pm
by tylerp

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:46 pm

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:55 pm
by keith.
whats the story behind this? this was last thursday? im guessing a bar fight there seems to be a few people detained around that block

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:56 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
I dont really like cops, but keep in mind the fellow in the store front being tended to by those bystanders was being stomped by more than two of the people in handcuffs.

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:59 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
I support Goon on Goon violence.

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:07 pm
by tylerp
I do not know the story, but it's have to be a pretty good one to justify powerfully kicking the second dude in the side/back while he's on the ground.

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:10 pm
Rude Boy Puff wrote:I support Goon on Goon violence.
So do I, but I would also hope that the people employed to police us are held to a higher standard than "Goon."

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:13 pm
I like that cum-shot power-trip assholes get, whether they're in uniform or not.
Looks like evidence for a decent court case.
Goon on goon is one thing, two on one is another, and three on one while the other is in handcuffs is despicable.
Anyone hear about this in media?

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:16 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
tylerp wrote:I do not know the story, but it's have to be a pretty good one to justify powerfully kicking the second dude in the side/back while he's on the ground.
First guy hes kicking he should be fired for. The second guy is on the ground but not complying and they have no control of him, plus his weapons hand is occupied by hand cuffs kicks seem like a logical choice.

Rude Boy Puff wrote:I support Goon on Goon violence.
So do I, but I would also hope that the people employed to police us are held to a higher standard than "Goon."
Cops are goons always will be. Holding them to a higher standard is a pipe dream that will leave you bleeding and dissapointed. I will save my outrage for real police brutality.

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:19 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
KYLESTYLE wrote:Fucked.
I like that cum-shot power-trip assholes get, whether they're in uniform or not.
Looks like evidence for a decent court case.
Goon on goon is one thing, two on one is another, and three on one while the other is in handcuffs is despicable.
Anyone hear about this in media?

But also notice 3 being arrested and one out cold in need of medical attention.
would Batons, OC, and tazers be more appropriate?

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:31 pm
Rude Boy Puff wrote:
tylerp wrote:I do not know the story, but it's have to be a pretty good one to justify powerfully kicking the second dude in the side/back while he's on the ground.
First guy hes kicking he should be fired for. The second guy is on the ground but not complying and they have no control of him, plus his weapons hand is occupied by hand cuffs kicks seem like a logical choice.

Rude Boy Puff wrote:I support Goon on Goon violence.
So do I, but I would also hope that the people employed to police us are held to a higher standard than "Goon."
Cops are goons always will be. Holding them to a higher standard is a pipe dream that will leave you bleeding and dissapointed. I will save my outrage for real police brutality.
Defeatist attitudes bread defeatism. That's not to say that things like this surprise me. Everybody knows about cops. But I'm not going to just begrudgingly accept the problem either. Accepting problems as the way things are cause them to become bigger problems. The bottom line is that the role of the police force is to collect evidence and protect the public, not dole out street justice as they see fit. I'm not so optimistic as to think that some day the cops wont be assholes anymore, but I'm still going to be angry every time they are and do what ever I can to make just a little bit harder for them to get away with being assholes.

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:38 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
Half of me is playing devils advocate and the other doesnt mind seeing a thug roughed up a little.

You are 100% right the police should always be kept in check.
I also think everything in this video needs to be taken in account before the 4 skins vinyl is dusted off.

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:43 pm
I should only be so lucky as to have 4-skins vinyl. But you're right that everything should be taken in account, but on the other side of the coin what I saw in that video was a cop kicking a dude that was already subdued by two officers and then telling a guy to get on the ground, only to be tackled by another cop and kicked in the chest before he had a chance to co-operate.

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:46 pm
by Hollow
Rude Boy Puff wrote:I support Goon on Goon violence.

With that being said, I'm on Zach's side with this one. As much I love seeing dickbag frat-boy types getting kicked in the teeth, it's still not okay for cops to do that. For me it's one of those "If I don't speak up for them, no one will speak up for me."

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:55 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
ZACH ATTACK wrote:I should only be so lucky as to have 4-skins vinyl. But you're right that everything should be taken in account, but on the other side of the coin what I saw in that video was a cop kicking a dude that was already subdued by two officers and then telling a guy to get on the ground, only to be tackled by another cop and kicked in the chest before he had a chance to co-operate.

The guy with 2 officers is still struggling and not in cuffs, but as I said I think that is what he should lose his job for because the 2 officers on him seem to be doing the job.
The second guy is told to get on the ground, but they need him on his stomach to hand cuff him thats when he starts resisting and its clear on the video. Arresting officers hands are tied up with cuffs so he uses his feet. The officer can not relent until his subject is under control and that is for the safety of everyone in the picture.

I cant find any news media on this yet.
Lemme know if you find any

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:56 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
Hollow wrote:
Rude Boy Puff wrote:I support Goon on Goon violence.

With that being said, I'm on Zach's side with this one. As much I love seeing dickbag frat-boy types getting kicked in the teeth, it's still not okay for cops to do that. For me it's one of those "If I don't speak up for them, no one will speak up for me."

Daddy's lawyer will be speaking for him so maybe save your tears for when they start kicking a homeless guy for trying to live.

but one leads to another so respect

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:00 pm
Apparently it was on CTV. Verify?

Tumblr is turning it viral.

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:04 pm
by Mikey
I'm all for the police keeping the situation under control, however. Where does the cop make his orders clear? We hear "get on the ground" and "hands behind your back". From what I can tell, we don't hear anyone say "lay on your stomach" or anything else, it's hard to follow orders when they aren't giving clear instructions, and moving right onto knocking you out.

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:17 pm
by Rude Boy Puff
Mikey wrote:I'm all for the police keeping the situation under control, however. Where does the cop make his orders clear? We hear "get on the ground" and "hands behind your back". From what I can tell, we don't hear anyone say "lay on your stomach" or anything else, it's hard to follow orders when they aren't giving clear instructions, and moving right onto knocking you out.
I cant figure this out either.

Re: let's discuss this video (victoria police content)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 9:46 pm
by Hollow
Rude Boy Puff wrote:
Hollow wrote:
Rude Boy Puff wrote:I support Goon on Goon violence.

With that being said, I'm on Zach's side with this one. As much I love seeing dickbag frat-boy types getting kicked in the teeth, it's still not okay for cops to do that. For me it's one of those "If I don't speak up for them, no one will speak up for me."

Daddy's lawyer will be speaking for him so maybe save your tears for when they start kicking a homeless guy for trying to live.

but one leads to another so respect

That's pretty much where I'm coming from. Situations like these are tempting to simply laugh at. Trust me. Dude looks like a gigantic dong. But it's still pretty clearly (at least to me) excessive force, and it's just not okay to allow that on anyone. I usually am the one arguing in favor of situational ethics, but in this case I think the dichotomy is very clear. It's just wrong, no matter what the situation.