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Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:03 am
by Peter
Really good essay ... w-why.html

its fairly long, but interesting and kind of echos some of the things discussed in the other Fucked Up post

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 11:54 am
by Andrew
Good read.

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 12:04 pm
by meaghan
Very well written, and some really good points were made. I can't wait to talk to these guys on May 12th. I think it's gonna be a really interesting conversation.

(This is Willa, BTW. My computer had a meltdown and I'm on Meg's, and apparently I'm not allowed to logout of her account. Go fig.)

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:41 pm
by wolfgang
What was so interetsing about that article? Did we not realize how SXSW works? DId this open our eyes to how the music industry works?

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 5:43 pm
wolfgang wrote:What was so interetsing about that article? Did we not realize how SXSW works? DId this open our eyes to how the music industry works?

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:01 pm
by Hollow
wolfgang wrote:What was so interetsing about that article? Did we not realize how SXSW works? DId this open our eyes to how the music industry works?

To answer your question in order: Stuff. No. Maybe.

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:08 pm

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 12:25 am
by grind/bro

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 8:11 am
by Andrew
wolfgang wrote:What was so interetsing about that article? Did we not realize how SXSW works? DId this open our eyes to how the music industry works?

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:06 pm
by trappedinside
i have to agree with tiemen here. it's a nicely written article but yeah... the music industry is really really cool.

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Sat Mar 27, 2010 6:36 pm
Is it really so hard to believe that a bunch of random hardcore kids don't understand all the ins and outs of the music industry?

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:58 pm
by Hollow
Yeah, sorry guys. Maybe I'm not nearly as cool as you guys, but I actually learned quite a bit about the particulars of SXSW. And to be honest, I don't think you guys knew anything about how it worked, either.

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 3:44 pm
by wolfgang
There's not much you need to know...SXSW is another music industry showcase for record labels and their buzz bands...labels, bars, corporations, etc do official, festival sanctioned, showcases...and people buy festival passed to see the festival showcases. Then people with the passed run around trying to see the bands with the biggest buzz, and tons of reformed geezer rockers doing their "one-off" reunions. Shit loads of people flock to college town texas to partaaay...and tobacco companies, liquor companies, car companies, etc, etc...sponsor the sanctioned showcases in hopes of getting their product into the hands of every shit at each showcase. It's like every other music industry event ever. The difference is...years ago, bands who had no hope of getting on "official Showcases" started showing up and trying to find a show..anywhere. Now...hundreds of bands and labels who operate outside the rest of the fest, show up and do their own shows and showcases in records stores, laundromats, barns, parking lots, and on bridges at 3AM. I don't know anybody who's played an official showcase or bought a festival pass in most big, industry fests, the real shows are the side shows.

What's so great about that article about Fucked Up at SXSW??? He talks about losing $3000, two years in a row to play SXSW...huh, most people tour down there and treat SXSW like a 3 day tour stop, make no money playing free shows, but sell a buncha merch and have fun playing and watching as many free shows as possible. Oh yeah...there's no free sunglasses or jeans at non-sanctioned shows...shit, you're way better off paying the $3000 and flying in.I dunno...the whole article is a dude trying to tell everyone how his band is doing SXSW right...working the system from the inside. You guys all go to house shows and complain about ticket prices over $10. How does an insider's account to a coorporate music fest interest you so much?

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Sun Mar 28, 2010 7:16 pm
by trappedinside
i didn't know the particulars of how this festival works, this is true, i guess i just disagree with the notion (which i may have just fabricated myself) that any of this is somehow shocking at this point. what i got out of the article is that the festival is basically a platform for a bunch of corporations to advertise and make shitloads of money off popular "indie" bands but that if you know what you're doing you yourself can also advertise and make shitloads of money. that much i definitely already had some kind of an inkling towards. good for fucked up. i sincerely hope that no band i'm ever in enters a world such as the one described in the article. it was very nicely written though and i read the whole thing which in this age of technology and short attention spans must count for something.

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 6:49 am


Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:10 am
by Andrew
I don't know that it was shocking or a revelation to anyone, but it provided deeper specific insight into SXSW from a person who's perspective on it made for an interesting read. You don't need to agree with Fucked Up's participation in SXSW or anything else to find what they say interesting.

I also don't see that it interests anyone "so much" either. It took a couple minutes to read, I found his take on it interesting and that was it. Wolfgang, you seem to be drumming more of a spotlight onto the article than anyone, why are you challenging anyone else's interest in it? Maybe you don't intend it, but your tone is coming off condescending towards those of us who did enjoy reading it.

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2010 8:57 am
by Hollow
I definitely didn't find it shocking, simply interesting. I'm also not particularly interested in ever being in a band that goes that route, but I also don't really care if a band chooses to do so. As Bryan said, good on Fucked Up, but not my cup of tea. Still, damn interesting and worth the read.

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:56 pm
by grind/bro
Check the updates on that article. Fucked Up is being sued for defamation... :lol:

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:11 pm
by Hollow
Fuck. Stupid, though. That blog doesn't say anything specific that Thriller did, and was written entirely as an opinion piece. Dude has no leg to stand on.

Re: Fucked Up on SXSW

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:23 pm
by Andrew
grind/bro wrote:Check the updates on that article. Fucked Up is being sued for defamation... :lol:
What a stupid move by Thriller Energy Drink. So few people would've read that blog, now the spotlight will be on Thriller as a villain and definitely hurt their sales more than the blog ever would have. But I don't credit smart thinking to any company willing to name a drink Thriller anyway. :roll: