The meaning of the snake couple ring

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The meaning of the snake couple ring

Post by coupleslv »

Matching Rings: History, Meaning and History

The snake ring is a unique appealing, mysterious and captivating appeal. In the past humans haven't remained uninterested to this particular animal to which, through jewelry, they have attached different meanings. Discover together the history of a diamond and the people who would wear it.

The snake is an animal which over time the ambivalent meanings of the animal have been linked to references to good and evil, life and death. This is likely due to the nature of the snake, that is typically underground, is poisonous but also it can regenerate itself by changing its skin in an interesting evolutionary process.

Goldsmiths have created stunning jewels in this sinuous shape that was popular in the Victorian period. Let's look into the meaning and history behind the snake ring.

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The snake has been a beloved symbol of temptation and imagination for centuries.

The animal was also portrayed as a part of Egyptian culture, represented on the one side as a god for good (Mehem) and on the other as the God incarnation for darkness (Apopi).

In ancient Greece In the past, it was the symbol of magical as well as esoteric understanding and offered visions of the future. In Roman culture it was a fortunate god who protected families and was also linked to sexuality and fertility.

In India, snakes represented the divine energy that is everywhere in us. A poisonous and dark energy, which, when managed correctly, can be utilized to the advantage of one's own.

It was due to Queen Victoria that the snake became a fashion-forward and fashionable piece of jewelry. The sovereign, in reality selected a gold snake with an emerald as the ring to receive from Prince Albert that she wore every day, contributing, thanks to the media and the first photographs, to spread the type of precious throughout Europe.

The value attributed to the snake and its beautiful designs have always enthused master goldsmiths to create of beautiful jewels. Snakes are associated with a variety of different meanings. They can be confusing and contradictory.

Additionally, it is an indication of new life and long-lasting health due to its ability to completely rejuvenate its skin. It is therefore advisable to to give or wear an earring made of snakes if you seek a fresh start in your life.

Furthermore, many jewelry pieces reproduce the image Uroboros - the snake which devours its own coils which creates a cosmic cycle. It is an infinite circle that has no beginning nor end. It therefore represents the universal energy that is consumed and renewed, the cyclical nature that is the basis of our universe.

How can you resist the charm of these stunning rings that wrap around your finger? Find them all in our jewelry stores as well as in our online jewelry store.
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