Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows


shit, i can't afford it but i want to go!

i really wish this was not exclusively bourgeoisie. WHAT ABOUT THE WORKING CLASS???
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Rude Boy Puff »

Im renting the kitchen its only 5 bucks and boxes of wine will be provided
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows


is it a solo rental or are others invited?
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Rude Boy Puff »

although drinking boxes of wine alone is a past time of mine, its usually more fun in company.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by aidan »

Andrew wrote:
Hollow wrote: This feels, overall, like someone who desperately wants the DIY cred of a house show without the work or risk of an actual house show. This smells of co-option of a punk ethos by someone who is bordering on the mainstream, and it honestly kind of annoys me.
Rocky may be a prodigious dude, but this entire thing seems badly run, poorly thought out, and generally cynical (in the worst sense of the word).
BUT HEY, that's just me.
My understanding of these types of shows is they aren't coming from a punk mindset, but are aimed at a different crowd. There was a bit on the CBC on these indie-folk singer songwriter types doing house shows and apparently it's quite a popular trend in those circles. The big difference is these are shows done in the homes of rich people who do them to "support the arts". It seems like Rocky or Rocky's booking agent is attempting to apply this trend/business model to a different scene of people and I'm not convinced it's a good fit.
Just wanted to put it out there, that this show is not booked by Rocky. It's by the Undertow guys (Maybe controlled by Barsuk? Not too sure exactly). I tried super, super hard to attract David Bazan to come during his house show circuit, but everything fell apart because the Undertow dudes are super tough with regulations. These aren't dudes booking 17 year old Tacoma bands, they're working for married dudes who are trying to minimize the amount of shows that don't make them money. Nothing all that DIY about it, but that's the way it is. I reached out to Troy in hopes of playing before Rocky, but everything is spelled out in legalese pretty clearly so I guess that's that. I'm almost positive that when RV gets to the show, everything will be friendly and awesome and the show will be fantastic, but the booking bros rubbed me the wrong way during my quest to hear Fewer Broken Pieces and Hard To Be live in my living room. I'd still like to play a cheap show at Troyler though! Just saying! $4!
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Hollow »

aidan wrote:
Andrew wrote:
Hollow wrote: This feels, overall, like someone who desperately wants the DIY cred of a house show without the work or risk of an actual house show. This smells of co-option of a punk ethos by someone who is bordering on the mainstream, and it honestly kind of annoys me.
Rocky may be a prodigious dude, but this entire thing seems badly run, poorly thought out, and generally cynical (in the worst sense of the word).
BUT HEY, that's just me.
My understanding of these types of shows is they aren't coming from a punk mindset, but are aimed at a different crowd. There was a bit on the CBC on these indie-folk singer songwriter types doing house shows and apparently it's quite a popular trend in those circles. The big difference is these are shows done in the homes of rich people who do them to "support the arts". It seems like Rocky or Rocky's booking agent is attempting to apply this trend/business model to a different scene of people and I'm not convinced it's a good fit.
Just wanted to put it out there, that this show is not booked by Rocky. It's by the Undertow guys (Maybe controlled by Barsuk? Not too sure exactly). I tried super, super hard to attract David Bazan to come during his house show circuit, but everything fell apart because the Undertow dudes are super tough with regulations. These aren't dudes booking 17 year old Tacoma bands, they're working for married dudes who are trying to minimize the amount of shows that don't make them money. Nothing all that DIY about it, but that's the way it is. I reached out to Troy in hopes of playing before Rocky, but everything is spelled out in legalese pretty clearly so I guess that's that. I'm almost positive that when RV gets to the show, everything will be friendly and astonishing and the show will be fantastic, but the booking bros rubbed me the wrong way during my quest to hear Fewer Broken Pieces and Hard To Be live in my living room. I'd still like to play a cheap show at Troyler though! Just saying! $4!
Yeah, everything I've heard about this points to the booking guys as the problem, not Rocky. Heard nothing but good things about that dude. I think my problem is more the fact that they're doing a house show this way. Don't turn a person's house into a commodity. Don't use our method of skating around a lack of venues as your method of making money. There are plenty of nice, intimate venues in this town (Solstice Cafe comes immediately to mind) that would have done this show in a hot minute. Why not use them? I'm still gonna show up, and I'm gonna try and get in without having to use a credit card. I want Rocky to play, and get paid for it. I'm also gonna chat with him about my problems with the concept. And I will enjoy his set immensely, I'm sure.
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Do drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. The harder the better. Then you'll go from being lonely to wishing that everybody would just fuck off because their a bunch of fucking buzzkills going on about how 'you've got a problem" and they "just want to be their to help you". You don't need any of them. You just need drugs.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows


Hollow wrote:

Yeah, everything I've heard about this points to the booking guys as the problem, not Rocky. Heard nothing but good things about that dude. I think my problem is more the fact that they're doing a house show this way. Don't turn a person's house into a commodity. Don't use our method of skating around a lack of venues as your method of making money. There are plenty of nice, intimate venues in this town (Solstice Cafe comes immediately to mind) that would have done this show in a hot minute. Why not use them? I'm still gonna show up, and I'm gonna try and get in without having to use a credit card. I want Rocky to play, and get paid for it. I'm also gonna chat with him about my problems with the concept. And I will enjoy his set immensely, I'm sure.
I think the fact that he titles them "living room shows" is enough to let him off the hook. I seriously doubt he's trying to smudge the DIY ethos, he probably just enjoys a more intimate 'living room' venue. True, maybe he is trying to leach off of the 'underground' but does that really matter for a guy that's selling only thirty tickets in a completely bizarre way and not advertising? If no one other than us knew about it - eg. no advertising - what's the contrast between troy and tyler playing nba jam and them having a house show? Really what is the difference between a living room at troyler's or a cafe next door that locks their doors for the night and carries out the same ticket policy? Yeah it's weird, but i don't think there is anything inherently wrong with using a living room as a venue.

That said, i still think that it's fucked that they won't pay the troyler house, but maybe they are? Troyler could use that as a 'venue' and deserve it if the show makes decent coin. That's the only problem i have with it - sneak in DIY, exit big shot - which i suppose is what you're saying as well... I'm just saying if the issue is merely the venue, i don't think that's legit.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by tylerp »


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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by canon.docre »

also, even though its the booking agents being tools, the guy fucking hires them to be a dick for him so he can sit back and be like "yeah I'm not like that, its my booking agent" like he doesn't have any control over it. Same thing as jello biafra, his manager was suing Comrade or whatever because he didn't make his guarantee. Give me a fucking break, hiring someone to do your dirty work doesn't absolve you of responsibility.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Hollow »

Hollow wrote:

Yeah, everything I've heard about this points to the booking guys as the problem, not Rocky. Heard nothing but good things about that dude. I think my problem is more the fact that they're doing a house show this way. Don't turn a person's house into a commodity. Don't use our method of skating around a lack of venues as your method of making money. There are plenty of nice, intimate venues in this town (Solstice Cafe comes immediately to mind) that would have done this show in a hot minute. Why not use them? I'm still gonna show up, and I'm gonna try and get in without having to use a credit card. I want Rocky to play, and get paid for it. I'm also gonna chat with him about my problems with the concept. And I will enjoy his set immensely, I'm sure.
I think the fact that he titles them "living room shows" is enough to let him off the hook. I seriously doubt he's trying to smudge the DIY ethos, he probably just enjoys a more intimate 'living room' venue. True, maybe he is trying to leach off of the 'underground' but does that really matter for a guy that's selling only thirty tickets in a completely bizarre way and not advertising? If no one other than us knew about it - eg. no advertising - what's the contrast between troy and tyler playing nba jam and them having a house show? Really what is the difference between a living room at troyler's or a cafe next door that locks their doors for the night and carries out the same ticket policy? Yeah it's weird, but i don't think there is anything inherently wrong with using a living room as a venue.

That said, i still think that it's fucked that they won't pay the troyler house, but maybe they are? Troyler could use that as a 'venue' and deserve it if the show makes decent coin. That's the only problem i have with it - sneak in DIY, exit big shot - which i suppose is what you're saying as well... I'm just saying if the issue is merely the venue, i don't think that's legit.
I dunno how to put it any other way. I guess "It's not what he's doing but how he's doing it" is the best way. There's just something about the whole thing that throws me off and makes me see it as sketchy.
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Do drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. The harder the better. Then you'll go from being lonely to wishing that everybody would just fuck off because their a bunch of fucking buzzkills going on about how 'you've got a problem" and they "just want to be their to help you". You don't need any of them. You just need drugs.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by grind/bro »

Is it because he's soulful? Why do you like love Willa?
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by dalamar501 »

Hollow wrote: I dunno how to put it any other way. I guess "It's not what he's doing but how he's doing it" is the best way. There's just something about the whole thing that throws me off and makes me see it as sketchy.

i get that same feeling.....
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by canon.docre »

Did this happen yet? If not, how many presales have their been, to your knowledge? There is no fucking way in hell I'm going to this, just to clarify.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by keith. »

if i remember right, troy said something like 9 tickets are left
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by dalamar501 »

well now 7 since Jodi bought some tickets
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by tylerp »

according to the myspace, 1 ticket is left...

1) who bought all these tickets??
2) ...who are all the strange people coming to our house?
3) how the hell did he sell that many tickets through casual mention of the show on myspace?
6) I have a feeling this is going to be a weird night. stoked though. been listening to his music a lot. I like it a lot.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by keith. »

i dont even like him and im going cause jenna sweet talked me into it months ago
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by JODI »

I didn't really find typing in a 16 digit number too much of a hoop to jump through. In fact, I never have cash so I actually found it convenient.. har har. I've bought several tickets to shows in seattle and vancouver on the net, and had to show up with confirmation to get in, so that didn't seem too weird to me either. Only through his website, I didn't get slapped with a service charge. Sweet.. as for the all pre-sale, no at the door stuff.. kinda lame. as far as his booking agency is concerned, they have a guaranteed # of attendees before he makes the journey across the strait. I'd rather see him in a cozy living room than a coffee shop or bar anyways.
Anyways, I'll be there. I'll be the one crying and drinking in the back.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Hollow »

JODI wrote:I didn't really find typing in a 16 digit number too much of a hoop to jump through. In fact, I never have cash so I actually found it convenient.. har har. I've bought several tickets to shows in seattle and vancouver on the net, and had to show up with confirmation to get in, so that didn't seem too weird to me either. Only through his website, I didn't get slapped with a service charge. Sweet.. as for the all pre-sale, no at the door stuff.. kinda lame. as far as his booking agency is concerned, they have a guaranteed # of attendees before he makes the journey across the strait. I'd rather see him in a cozy living room than a coffee shop or bar anyways.
Anyways, I'll be there. I'll be the one crying and drinking in the back.

If he hadn't done this at the Troyler house, I wouldn't give two fucks. But he is. And it just feels...wrong.
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Do drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. The harder the better. Then you'll go from being lonely to wishing that everybody would just fuck off because their a bunch of fucking buzzkills going on about how 'you've got a problem" and they "just want to be their to help you". You don't need any of them. You just need drugs.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by JODI »

I just checked out the website. I guess all this pre-sale ticket stuff also makes it so that only people who buy tickets are disclosed with the address and info. Being living room shows, I guess it just ensures most peoples places don't get crashed. Not everyone has a sweet party house like the Troyler. Haha..
I am admitting to not reading page 2 of this thread, but what is the problem with it being at troyler again? tThey obviously wanted it/agreed to the show, and wouldn't have taken a cut had it been any other band playing their living room. I'm just trying to stay positive. Yay! RV@Troyler! FUN!
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