Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by stumped. »

i think tyler hit the nail on the head

my fest top 5 (mind you i could only stick around for day one)

5. Blackwater-something about them felt kinda strange, i think it might've been because jeremy had to play bass as well as sing this year. still good nonetheless
4. Victimless Crime-last minute addition that i didn't think would be particularily good, but they killed it. fast catchy melodic hardcore circa 2000 with an emo bent
3. Runaways-i hadn't listened to them before the fest and i wasn't even expecting a hardcore band, but the cover selection and joel's lyrics are impeccable. plus stuart the drummer has great taste in shitty action flicks
2. Grow-once the guitar issues got figured out they killed it! chris is a great frontman
1.Out of Sight-funnest time of the day.i think that was my favorite set by you guys so far. is it more poser to know the lyrics of true till death and not be straight edge or to not know the song at all??
gonna do some coke off my doom cannon if you get my drift
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by stumped. »

also, i pitty the fool that didn't get to see jelly boyz at the troyler. tightest i've ever seen them play.
gonna do some coke off my doom cannon if you get my drift
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by dalamar501 »

I am probably going to be hated from posting this but i still enjoyed Horizons set regardless.
Sure may have been not the best thing to do. But they brought energy. They are always fun and regardless of that i still like the dudes in that band.

Just being honest.

Honest Dude for 2011
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by officespace »

tylerp wrote:I see both sides to the whole thing. I am sure every person on here, guy or girl, on here has made some kind of degrading joke, however minor, because that's the culture we grow up in and see everywhere.
Wait what? There's a difference between a joke and just being a moronic douche. Hardcore isn't about treating girls as lower than males. Fuck that fuck that always. The icing on their bullshit cake was just the whole ripping up the sign etc.
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by xJohnnyx »

On one hand I really like that they're were people who stood up and said what the were thinking. I also agree that sexism should not be tolerated in our scene. On the other hand I think they made it out to be worse than it was... Yes I think it's immature to wave a water bottle in front of you and pretend it's a penis while your band is on stage, the girl drank from it by her choice, he didn't tell her to. I do agree that these kind of jokes do send a negative message to women about how the men in our community view them, and for that reason I don't think it's was appropriate. What pissed me off more than the actual comments, was the fact that they just mocked and ridiculed the people with the signs. I don't know if they dropped the F-bomb at the beginning of their set or not, I hope they didn't. He also said "Within these walls, we are all equal" during their set, too bad his actions didn't live up to his words.
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by officespace »

I want my money back for this crazy shit!

Also Johnny it was Viva Ned Flanders. Which makes sense why we couldn't remember it.
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by xJohnnyx »

I can't even think of what episode that is...
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by dustingusbus »

Dustin here from horizons, the sexist thug who sang for the go it alone cover band. this will be the first time i post on a message board and probably the last. appreciate all of the kind words. this would be where i should apologize, but i can't justify apologizing to people who hide behind cardboard signs and fucking message boards. not one person had anything negative to say in person, so i don't take anything said on here seriously. things like this are few of the many reasons this genre of music that i love so much will never progress. a bunch of judgmental immature god damn uptight assholes. i really should be the one who is embarrassed that i am associated with kids who think standing up for something is making a sign and logging onto your mothers computer to like on a band. this is probably the main reason 90% of the hardcore community stop going to show's/sell out early to mid 20's. it's time to grow the fuck up. if i see a band i don't like my first thought isn't to go home and log onto some fucking message board and like relentlessly. it will probably be to not listen to that band. almost every set i saw this year a good chunk on the crowd sat there with arms crossed looking bored as fuck. so when we went up i was a little drunk and ready to have a good time. so i did some dumb shit, probably said a lot of dumb shit, but i had a fucking good time. and all of my peers in the audience weren't standing there arms crossed looking bored as fuuuck. if we are all known now as dickheads and sexist thugs so be it. i refuse to apologize to pretentious taints who think they are better then us. the people who know me know what i am about and the people who don't and act like this can fuck right off. if you really have something to say please don't resort to a sign or a computer. use your big person words. i am not a scary sexist thug. and to officespace a big fuck you for saying i said "move up we're not fags" you god damn ignorant piece of shit. if we are boring why didn't you stay the fuck outside ? you just had to catch the first 30 seconds just to make sure we were still boring and to get some juicy gossip to post on the internet ? grow the fuck up and/or stop going to shows. you can do everything you just did without actually attending a show. also the girl jumped on stage both times. i went along with it because it was funny. if it was a guy i would have done the same thing. you whiny uptight fucks are acting like i had sex with the girl on stage for christ sakes. i could go on for days about everything that pisses me off, but really what would be the point. nothing will change. we are just as stubborn as the people who refuse to address a problem. thanks to ebony for having us out. thanks to the kids who had a good time during the set. thanks to the kids who hit me up this week and everyone who took pictures/video. appreciate the love and fuck you to all the passive aggressive cowardly PC fucks.
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by officespace »

fuck you to all the passive aggressive cowardly PC fucks.
age of quarrel wrote:No one poser exposes me more than the twins
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by Human-Demise »

"hahaha, you were moved, wuss."
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by officespace »

I am pretty sure the sign outside was to call you guys out. I am sorry they didn't feel the need to rush you guys and get all in your face. You guys seem to mistake people not being intimidating for people being cowardly. I think it's you and your band that needs to grow up ;).

Also yeah, I choose to sit in on the first half of one of your songs to see if you guys decided to play in a band that didn't just water down Go it Alone. I can choose to leave your set whenever I please. I don't have to sit through a full set to realize a band is boring.

and yeah I am sure the reason most people drop out of hardcore in their late 20's is pretentious P.C. assholes and not the fact that they you know might have to deal with a lot more real life shit.

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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by officespace »

oh and sorry dude the next time I see you in person I'll punch you in the face to prove my confrontational side because apparently I'm just some bullshit poser because I choose to voice my opinion of a band on the internet? Sorry I chose to give the blackwater dudes props during the show and not validating you . Fuck you it's fucking dudes like you and you're bullshit jock mentality that make kids wanna drop out of hardcore. Fuck you.

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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by xJohnnyx »

I don't think that they were "hiding" behind a sign. They saw someone sending a message that they didn't agree with, so they decided to send one of their own. They wanted to make that message as clear and visible to everyone as you did on stage. If they just came up to you and said "oh hey man that wasn't cool" that wouldn't have made any impact on anyone else in the room. Now your logging on to your computer and calling us out for not using our "grown up words" when I saw you laugh in their face rather than talk to them.
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by Human-Demise »

xJohnnyx wrote:I don't think that they were "hiding" behind a sign. They saw someone sending a message that they didn't agree with, so they decided to send one of their own. They wanted to make that message as clear and visible to everyone as you did on stage. If they just came up to you and said "oh hey man that wasn't cool" that wouldn't have made any impact on anyone else in the room. Now your logging on to your computer and calling us out for not using our "grown up words" when I saw you laugh in their face rather than talk to them.
boom roasted
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by dalamar501 »

ALMOSTTTTTTTTTTTT going to bring out some moderating powers here.


You guys aren't getting reasonable dialogue going right now. Everyone is angry. This isn't like other threads. Blah.


Is all i have to say.


i love everyone :)
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by streetjustice337 »

I think its mad funny that a good 60% of you most likely had a good time during horizons set. Then afterward turn your back on the band that you were " circle pitting" and singing along to the cover for . If you really felt offended leave right away , voice your oppinion , just cuz some guy you know said it was sexist, make your own choice , learn the facts before you make judgment . I bet half of you dont even know what went on , but cuz one of your friends had a twisted veiw of the actions that took place you automaticly jump on horizons and dustins back . As for threatening to punch him in the face? your a fuckin idiot , your elitist " punk " attitude dont fool me , people need to stop using the old social akwardness as a crutch , speak up and speak your mind , message boards and pizza boxes dont get points across, we could talk about this in person if you feel the need

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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by officespace »

Dude I know who you are and I'm pretty sure you know who I am so if you wanna chat there will be many many times in which we can engage in a dialogue. please stop hiding behind the bullshit "you only heard it from your friends" that's a bullshit cop out for people who know what they said was stupid and won't admit it.

Also I didn't threaten to punch the dude in the face seriously but he seems to think the only way top take a stand is by being overtly confrontational so blaaah. fuck you.
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by xJohnnyx »

Troy's gonna lock this shit...
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by officespace »

please T-bone don't lock this. Dialogue like this needs to happen.
age of quarrel wrote:No one poser exposes me more than the twins
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Re: Van Isle party fest 7, 2011 Get into it

Post by dalamar501 »

officespace wrote:please T-bone don't lock this. Dialogue like this needs to happen.
What you are doing isn't dialogue.

This shit doesn't need to happen on the internet.

It won't happen here. It won't for the foreseeable future.
It is obviously something that will always need to be addressed within our communities and within our society itself. But on here the dialogue gets pushed with into personal territories. Really this is just turning into a bunch of fuck yous and fuck you toos.

I feel there are better ways to approach safer environments than being super PC and definitely better than being passive aggressive to the extent that happened the night of the show. I will leave the thread for now as i doubt more will get posted tonight. Tomorrow watch out.

Sorry if I offend any friends :P.
Victoria Straight Edge
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