Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by tylerp »

I'd much rather he charged like $6 and have us get no cut. and none of this online hoo-haw. yes, I said hoo-haw.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Rude Boy Puff »

giving a whole band who took the ferry or drove from nanimo at 5 bucks a head every dime is tight and inbiggens (is that even a word?) the true spirit of the core, but one dude come on edge of querral wasnt even good. Troyler invite me over for this I will give you a trapped under ice jersey that doesnt fit and bring wine for us to snifter like douchebags in the kitchen
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by tylerp »

we could all just claim to live there
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by wolfgang » don't take a cut at shows that charge like $5 or $6 a head and have to pay on out of town band gas/ferry money. That's fair...if 50 people show up, the band breaks even on costs. Now you've got one guy and an acoustic guitar in his car playing your house...his costs are the same or less than a full band from out of town...yet he's charging 4 X what you guys usually do. If 50 people show up for this show...he walks away with $1000. You guys are promoting it on your end...offering up your living room...if they're gonna dictate the terms (and make them kinda ridiculous), don't you think you should at least get a percentage? If the show sells out, you guys could clean you carpets with the cash. Personally, I think if the cover was cut in half...there'd be a way better chance of him having a really decent show and making some money. How lame would it be if only 8 people bought tickets because of the high price?
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Fish »

I didn't read through this whole thread, but wow, this thing just sounds ridiculous.
...and unless either Troy or Tyler want to let me hide in their house that night, I think I can cut this show off my list, and I go to every goddamn show I can.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by dalamar501 »

to my knowledge there is no cut. but i didn't book the show it was done by Jenna in vancouver she booked both shows through thebooking agent. The tours are mostly the agent's ideas from what i can tell. he helped draft up these contracts for rocky. Little promotion / work has to be done on our part supposedly.

only 30 tickets will be sold.

pat you should come over. I get a limited number of guest spots.

Victoria doesn't like online tickets. so whatever.

$20. One Guy. really seems to irk me... it must be the punk in me....
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by wolfgang »

So...that guy is gonna make $600 to play your livingroom, and you don't know of you get a few bucks to help bring other bands to town or clean your carpets. Why bother doing the show? They are screwing the people who would wanna see him play on the ticket price...and the show does nothing to better anyone in town. Even some booking agent in some other city is getting some money...but you guys have to put up with 30 people in your living room, spilling wine on your rug...and you don't see shit. Bummer.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Jordan f. »

first things first, Rocky Votolato is awesome and I would definitely pay 20$ to see him.

second, this ISN'T a hardcore show. Unfortunately most people in the music business want to make money. $20 isn't really that expensive and $600 (if it sells out) isn't really that much. Is he sleeping at the Troyler house? If not, he needs money for a hotel. Is the Troyler house feeding him? If not, he needs money for food. Add the cost of the ferry/gas and he isn't walking away a millionaire.

third, the online tickets seems weird but it also helps keep the house from being trashed. This way the Troyler House's adress will probably only be given to those who bought tickets instead of being posted everywhere online. This way 200 people won't show up hoping to get tickets at the door then wreck the place when they get denied. This way he can control the number of people showing up to the houses.

Troyler, I am stoked you guys are putting this on. I think it will be an awesome time and I am definitely jealous I will be missing it.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Andrew »

Jordan f. wrote:second, this ISN'T a hardcore show.
Which in my mind further reinforces why the Troyler should get paid to host this. If the promoter wants to have this be a "pro" show, why not be professional with the venue?

I have no issue with any aspect of this show save that the Troyler isn't getting a cut. The thing with this show too is since the Toyler isn't controlling the ticket sales that could mean strangers could show up at the house and act like dicks. That merits pay to me.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Jordan f. »

I agree The Troyler Residence should get a cut.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Hollow »

Jordan f. wrote:first things first, Rocky Votolato is hella super duper and I would definitely pay 20$ to see him.

second, this ISN'T a hardcore show. Unfortunately most people in the music business want to make money. $20 isn't really that expensive and $600 (if it sells out) isn't really that much. Is he sleeping at the Troyler house? If not, he needs money for a hotel. Is the Troyler house feeding him? If not, he needs money for food. Add the cost of the ferry/gas and he isn't walking away a millionaire.

third, the online tickets seems weird but it also helps keep the house from being trashed. This way the Troyler House's adress will probably only be given to those who bought tickets instead of being posted everywhere online. This way 200 people won't show up hoping to get tickets at the door then wreck the place when they get denied. This way he can control the number of people showing up to the houses.

Troyler, I am stoked you guys are putting this on. I think it will be an hella super duper time and I am definitely jealous I will be missing it.

Jordan, I gotta disagree with you on this. While yes, this is not a hardcore show, this IS a house show. House shows are pretty much run exactly the same across the board. You charge a minimal fee, people pay at the door, and the community (whichever community that may be) makes sure the place doesn't get trashed. If Rocky had really wanted a house show he would have simply informed Troy/Tyler of his intentions, and they would have gotten it set up for him. Instead, he books this through an agent, sells tickets online at an exorbitant rate, refuses to allow tickets sold at the door, and insists on limiting it to 30 people. This isn't a house show, it's a coffee shop show. Those are cool too, but you should do them in coffee shops.

This feels, overall, like someone who desperately wants the DIY cred of a house show without the work or risk of an actual house show. This smells of co-option of a punk ethos by someone who is bordering on the mainstream, and it honestly kind of annoys me.

Rocky may be a rad dude, but this entire thing seems badly run, poorly thought out, and generally cynical (in the worst sense of the word).

BUT HEY, that's just me.
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Do drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. The harder the better. Then you'll go from being lonely to wishing that everybody would just fuck off because their a bunch of fucking buzzkills going on about how 'you've got a problem" and they "just want to be their to help you". You don't need any of them. You just need drugs.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by xchadx »

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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Andrew »

Hollow wrote: This feels, overall, like someone who desperately wants the DIY cred of a house show without the work or risk of an actual house show. This smells of co-option of a punk ethos by someone who is bordering on the mainstream, and it honestly kind of annoys me.
Rocky may be a rad dude, but this entire thing seems badly run, poorly thought out, and generally cynical (in the worst sense of the word).
BUT HEY, that's just me.
My understanding of these types of shows is they aren't coming from a punk mindset, but are aimed at a different crowd. There was a bit on the CBC on these indie-folk singer songwriter types doing house shows and apparently it's quite a popular trend in those circles. The big difference is these are shows done in the homes of rich people who do them to "support the arts". It seems like Rocky or Rocky's booking agent is attempting to apply this trend/business model to a different scene of people and I'm not convinced it's a good fit.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by Hollow »

Andrew wrote:
Hollow wrote: This feels, overall, like someone who desperately wants the DIY cred of a house show without the work or risk of an actual house show. This smells of co-option of a punk ethos by someone who is bordering on the mainstream, and it honestly kind of annoys me.
Rocky may be a rad dude, but this entire thing seems badly run, poorly thought out, and generally cynical (in the worst sense of the word).
BUT HEY, that's just me.
My understanding of these types of shows is they aren't coming from a punk mindset, but are aimed at a different crowd. There was a bit on the CBC on these indie-folk singer songwriter types doing house shows and apparently it's quite a popular trend in those circles. The big difference is these are shows done in the homes of rich people who do them to "support the arts". It seems like Rocky or Rocky's booking agent is attempting to apply this trend/business model to a different scene of people and I'm not convinced it's a good fit.

Yeah, but if that's the case it just kind of proves my point. Rich white folk co-opting DIY concepts in order to seem "hip" or "with it". They call it "supporting the arts" I call it gentrification.

Chad, that's a great idea, I think I'm gonna try and get in to chat with the dude about the whole thing. You're probably right that this is more his booking agent than him.
ZACH ATTACK wrote:Do drugs. Lots and lots of drugs. The harder the better. Then you'll go from being lonely to wishing that everybody would just fuck off because their a bunch of fucking buzzkills going on about how 'you've got a problem" and they "just want to be their to help you". You don't need any of them. You just need drugs.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by dalamar501 »

There is a line on the website about the rules that says if the Host and Artist agree on it on the day the people can pay Rocky the day off when they show up uninvited or somethign.

i forget the exact wording. I bet Rocky would be really chill about it as well i bet
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by New West Crew »

I am coming to the Victoria show and not the Vancouver one. The reason is simply that 40$ is more than 20$ and I haven't been to Victoria in a while and wanted to hang out.

The hilarious thing is that the Vancouver show is at Chad's house which I've refused to go to since he moved there for no good reason. I didn't know that when I decided to just go to the Victoria one.

Now that serious stuff:
- Paying 20 bucks for a house show is silly
- You'd be paying 20 buck to see Rocky Votolato anyways, and it's cool that it's somewhere small
- I'd be bummed if it was 20 bucks for a hardcore or punk band, but regardless of his roots, the dude is a career musician, this is his job
- Is my last point backwards and hypocritical? Yep,it is. But I don't get why you're trying to hold an indy/folk artist to hardcore/punk ethics
- Blahblahblahblahblah, we've all been spoiled by years of 5-10 dollar shows because we are punk as fuck, there are shittier things than a good musician playing a house show that cost over 20 bucks

All in all this is an interesting debate and I'm down to continue it.
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by keith. »

jenna tricked me into going. shes got a ticket for me
im gonna stand with my arms crossed and scowl the whole time
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by dalamar501 »

keith. wrote:jenna tricked me into going. shes got a ticket for me
im gonna stand with my arms crossed and scowl the whole time
cause everyone else will be sitting you will really stand out
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows


i thought he was a buzz word, but i just listened to his songs on myspace and i know a couple somehow... maybe it's my addiction to the o.c. or some other brainwashing. either way, good song writer, i'm stoked.

still, even for bands i truly like, i find it hard to shell a twenty bill.

funny, the twenty bills fly around for my friends alcohol and cigarettes though... good priorities...
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Re: Rocky Votolato Living Room Shows

Post by dalamar501 »

9 tickets left
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tylerp wrote: I'm mostly stoked about turning things into money. it's like alchemy.
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